Five Things to Know About Spider-Man's Latest Move to Marvel Cinematic Universe

Spider-Man joins Marvel Cinematic Universe. |

There are five important things we need to know about Spider-Man's latest move to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which has compiled.

The move was celebrated by fans and critics alike as a wise decision. Not only did Sony Pictures and MCU both benefit financially on the deal, but the process also gained a lot of media exposure and excited a lot of fans, who are eager for their superhero to get more screen time.

And Spidey sure will be busy making appearances in different Marvel movies. The first important information, of course, is that he will appear in Captain America: Civil War on May 6, 2016.

Spider-Man has an important role to play in the Civil War comic storyline, since Iron Man and Captain America will be on opposing sides when it comes to how superheroes are treated by the government. Who will Spidey side with? Or will he serve as a catalyst in restoring friendships?

The second information concerns the actor who will breathe life to Spider-Man. Unfortunately, it will no longer be Andrew Garfield. Peter Parker will be getting a fresh new start so he will be seen going back to high school. For this, MCU needs a much younger actor. Some names that have been circulating as Spidey are The Maze Runner's Dylan O' Brien and Percy Jackson's Logan Lerman.

The third information is about the director of the first solo Spider-Man movie, which will be shown in 2017. The only definite thing is that Marc Webb will not be directing it. They said that likely contenders include everyone from Justin Lin (Fast & Furious 6) to James Wan (Furious 7) to Brad Bird (Tomorrowland) to Joss Whedon (The Avengers).

They also have plans of making Sinister Six and Venom, although not right now. The fourth information revealed that the Spider-Man spin-offs are still in the works, although it will not be manned by Marvel Studios' Kevin Feige. Unfortunately, there are no release dates yet for the said movies.

And lastly, despite the move, Spider-Man will definitely not be joining the X-Men or Fantastic Four cast. The film rights for X-Men and Fantastic Four are still owned by 20th Century Fox, and they've got their own agenda, reasoned.

There is a huge chance that Fantastic Four, which will be released on August 7, will be relaunched successfully, therefore it won't need any cross-over partnerships in order to survive.