Korea is currently in shock at the recent incidents that have been taking place within the Korean military such as the shootings among the troops guarding the DMZ (De-militarized Zone) last month and the more recent beating and murder of Private Yoon. In the midst of all this chaos, citizens have started heavily criticizing the reality show "Real Man" (MBC) for their reflection on what life is like now while serving in the armed forces.
"Real Man" is still an extremely popular reality show produced by MBC and featuring stars like Super Junior member Henry and Zea member Hyoung-shik Park. The original purpose behind the series was to show to the public what it is like to serve in the Korean military in the 21st century.
The actors, comedians and other celebrities who were cast to appear in the show were taken to real regiments including search parties, special forces and even the honor guard. The participants had to live in these units in real quarters for a whole week where 4 episodes were filmed and had to experience the real trainings and activities that regular military personnel have to go through for21 months.
In its early stages, viewers showed extremely positive reactions to the celebrities struggling to survive life in the army (for some it was their second time enlisting), stirring up a great deal of humor and passion. Many viewers were also touched at how the newly enlisted troops would receive a great deal of help from their superiors who were drafted earlier and how they lived together as a family.
However, the recent events that actually took place within the armed forces stirred a great deal of anger from many viewers. The things that were showing up on the 9 O'clock news were so different from the Sunday night reality show's version of what army life is like. One viewer stated online that "Real Man" was merely a promotion scheme for the Ministry of Defense from the very beginning. Many viewers are calling for the series to be canceled immediately.
However, the board of directors and lead producers of MBC, the broadcasting station for the show is believed to not be taking viewers' opinions seriously. Ironically, right after the death of Private Yoon, "Real Man" got 16.3 percent viewer ratings, the highest of all the major broadcasting stations of Korea and posted the information on their website. It is evident that MBC does not want to loose its viewers.
Experts and critics urged MBC that if the show is not cancelled, then those who are responsible for the making of this series should pay a great deal more attention to detail and stay more loyal to its original purpose.