Following the premiere of the highly anticipated animated film "Minions,' one of its stars, Sandra Bullock is expressing her sentiments about the media criticizing women for their age and physical appearance.
Being given the honor as the world's most beautiful woman of 2015 by People Magazine, the 50-year-old actress has spoken up about preserving the essence of real beauty.
"I feel like it's become open hunting season in how women are attacked and it's not because of who we are as people, it's because of how we look or our age," she said. "I'm shocked"”and maybe I was just naïve, but I'm embarrassed by it."
At the "Minions' junket this week, the "Blindside' star confessed that she agreed to grace the cover of People's Most Beautiful cover issue so she could share her thoughts about the women whom she finds beautiful.
"Real beauty is quiet. Especially in this town, it's just so hard not to say, 'Oh, I need to look like that,'" the award-winning actress stated.
She further explained that beauty should be associated with one's efforts in becoming a good individual.
"Be a good person; be a good mom; do a good job with the lunch; let someone cut in front of you who looks like they're in a bigger hurry," Bullock said.. "The people I find most beautiful are the ones who aren't trying."
With People choosing Bullock, the oldest female to be honored with such title in the history of the Most Beautiful Women list, this has turned out to be an actual suggestion that beauty should not be associated with age, as many fans and online community members have emphasized.
The actress also opened up about her worries over raising her son in a society that could be relying on diminishing values and principles.
"My son is getting ready to grow up in this world and I'm trying to raise a good man who values and appreciates women, and here we have this attack on women in the media that I don't see a stop happening," Bullock shared.
In addition, the "Gravity' star mentioned how women in the entertainment industry have been trying to "bond together and take care of each other' because of the way the media unleashes its attacks.
"We need to stop," she urged. "We are harming girls and women in a way, at a speed that it's scaring me. It's really scaring me, so I would love for someone to help put a stop to this."
The actress now joins the list of actresses to have bagged the World's Most Beautiful title, which includes Lupita Nyong'o (2014) and Gwyneth Paltrow (2013).