Marvel Crossovers: Kevin Feige Says It's 'Inevitable' For Their Film, TV Projects to Crossover

The Avengers
Cast of The Avengers at the 2010 San Diego Comic-Con International featuring Robert Downey Jr., Clark Gregg, Scarlett Johansson, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Samuel L. Jackson, Jeremy Renner, Mark Ruffalo, Joss Whedon and Kevin Feige. |

For Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) head Kevin Feige, it is only a matter of time before their multitude of films and television series somehow intersect and find a common storyline to share.

"Captain America: The Winter Soldier" helped build the premise of Netflix's "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." and "Agent Carter," and they were able to expand the shows further with "Daredevil," "Jessica Jones," "The Defenders," and many more.

Feige believes that these television series will somehow coincide with the storylines of Marvel movies, but there are certain challenges that they have yet to conquer first, according to Collider.

"I think that's inevitable at some point, as we're plotting the movies going forward and they're doing the shows. The schedules don't always quite match up to make that possible-it's easier for them, they're more nimble and faster and produce things quicker than we do, which is one of the main reasons you see the repercussions of 'Winter Soldier' or 'Age of Ultron' in the show," Feige said in the "Avengers: Age of Ultron" Blu-ray DVD. "But going forward, and certainly as they do more shows and cast them with such great actors as they have-particularly in Daredevil-that may occur. But the reality of it is by the time we start doing a movie, they'd be midway through a season then by the time the movie comes out they'd be done with the second and starting the third season, so filming timing on that is not always easy," he added.

Another thing Feige tackled during that Q&A portion in the DVD was Marvel's relaunch of Spider-Man, who will be portrayed by Tom Holland.

"The most important thing is the stand alone movie, re-launching Spider-Man with a stand alone movie with a new storyline that fits into this universe. That's job number one for us. And as is the case, the connectivity is great but it doesn't drive the train," he said.

The pressure if very high for them not to mess up the movie, and Feige feels pressured that they do "Spider-Man" just right. So far, only Holland and Marissa Tomei (Aunt May) have been cast in the film.

Peter Parker will still be the face behind Spider-Man's mask, and in Marvel's version, he will only be 15 years old.

The rebooted "Spider-Man" will be released sometime in 2017.