'Spider-Man' Movie: Joe and Anthony Russo Compare Tom Holland to Christian Bale in 'Empire of the Sun'

Tom Holland
Tom Holland is the new Spider-Man. |

Everybody is curious what Spider-Man's role in "Captain America: Civil War" will be, but the whole cast and crew are choosing to remain tight lipped about the involvement of Marvel's newest (and youngest) superhero in the upcoming movie.

When Entertainment Weekly tried to ask lead star Chris Evans what Tom Holland will be doing in his standalone film, he answered: "I can't tell you anything about that. There are some things you remember from those list of no-no's."

Sebastian Stan, who portrays the Winter Soldier tried to act innocent by saying: "I have no idea who Tom Holland is. I really don't."

During the set visit, even Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) president Kevin Feige feigned innocence about Spider-Man's role in "Captain America: Civil War," even claiming that the person in Spidey's suit on the set is just a cosplayer.

"Listen, if there was a cosplayer running around that set when you were there, I don't know what to tell you," Feige said.

Given that Spider-Man's suit is covered from head to toe, there is no saying that the person inside it really is Holland.

Meanwhile, Robert Downey Jr., who portrays Iron Man cannot believe it himself that Spider-Man is now a part of the shared MCU.

"We're now like the old guard, and our storyline carries real weight just because of our history... But we're also looking around like, 'Who thought that Falcon and Black Panther and Ant-Man and now Spider-Man...?' I mean it's like wow, this thing is just crazy," he said.

But Evans was quick to point out that "sometimes they (Marvel) shoot things and then don't use them."

What directors Joe and Anthony Russo could say about Holland, however, is that he is simply perfect for his new role.

"We did two screen tests with the character. We were pretty vocal about who we wanted for the part. He's fantastic. Amazing. It's like Christian Bale in 'Empire of the Sun.' Rarely do you see a kid carry a movie like that," said Joe.

"He's also a dancer and a gymnast. He fits the part like you can't believe. Another thing that we were really pushing for was to go young with the part. It's the only way to differentiate it from what's been done in the past. Get him as close as you can to the age that (the actor) is," he added.