Relentless Church pastor John Gray officially unveiled that he sat down from church leadership so that he could focus more on his life and marriage.
On his Instagram post on November 6, John Gray wrote that he stepped down from leading Relentless church a few months ago. He claimed that he had to vacate the place because his life was not in order.
A part of what Gray wrote says he was sorry that he failed to uphold the holy standard of God in his marriage. Yet he clarified that his wife was the only woman he slept with.
The Relentless pastor went on to explain that sin is sin, no matter how people try to minimize one sin over another. He said emotional unfaithfulness is just as wrong; it is also a sin and can get people "sent to hell."
Gray added that he went through intense counseling last summer. He was treated with advice for his personal as well as married life.
Honor made public
His decision to step down and be under guidance therapy came after his wife's name surfaced in the media due to his disloyalty. He said his act of unfaithfulness brought shame to his family and that broke his soul.
Along with his long note on his social media post, he uploaded a photo of his wife Aventer, dressed in a gown that she wore as she worshipped God through dance. Gray said that he met his wife on that state of service to God; she allowed Gray in her life and let him dance with her.
The Relentless pastor described his wife as a life-giver and a kingdom builder. He further added that she is a wife given by God.
However, Gray explained that when Aventer did not know that the Relentless pastor was "very much unfinished" when she took his ring and agreed to start a life journey with him.
Gray said that since he was the reason for the public embarassment his wife suffered, he wants to be "just as loud about public honor." He promised to work hard to regain his wife's trust.
Gray promises a better version of him
Pastor Gray gave an assurance that he is "in the process and will stay in it" until he becomes matched to the vision that God gave his wife.
The father of two made an oath that before he dies, he will be the husband where his wife's heart can rest and a father to be proud of. He assured the church that he will be the pastor that Relentless can stand behind and the man that God intended him to be.
Pastor John Gray formerly preached at Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church based in Houston, Texas. He started serving as pastor of Relentless Church in 2018.
In his message last month, Gray said he needed the "immediate intervention of the Holy Ghost." He then officially announced that he is stepping away for a time of sabbatical so that he can be "restored."
He specified that during this time, he will continue to do necessary work to five important areas of his life: his wife, his family, his kids, his physical health, his church, and the leadership and stewardship of his church.