Evidence of voter fraud is something that most feel is happening anywhere in the globe. In the case of the recent United States Presidential election, it is something that most feel that went down.
Now, it comes as no surprise that attention to detail has cropped up anew. People are alleging that they did not cast their votes although this is something any registered voter can do. Tied up to that, there are also dead people who (for some reason) can vote. These are just one of the many things that can be heard especially when the voting season comes. But how can this be proven?
"Did you actually vote?"
Data scientist Matt Braynard believes that voting irregularities may be happening. However, he limits his focus to the ones who are alive. Federal authorities are doing their part by looking into it and it remains to be seen what they can dig up.
Braynard, who once worked in data for the Trump campaign back in 2016 is now embarking on an independent project tied to the 2020 elections. It could shed some light on the accusation claims, clearing the air on whether voting fraud does exist.
Regardless if that would be found or not, the essential goal of this project is to alleviate suspicion that irregularities are happening during elections. Braynard shared his take when he appeared in an interview via John Solomon's podcast.
"We have many people who filed national change of address cards indicating they moved away to a different place, yet they are marked as having voted," Braynard said. "So we are going out and asking them to phone and text, 'Hey, Did you actually cast that ballot?' And we're already getting people back saying, 'No, I did not cast that ballot.' Now we have got to get those people to sign an affidavit. Now it becomes something actionable."
There are several regions under the radar for potential voting irregularities. These are Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia.
Braynard will be in for a tough grind in certain regions. In Georgia, for example, roughly 138,000 people filed national change of address cards from five years ago which were marked as voted, JustTheNews.com reported.
That alone raises a lot of questions, meaning Braynard's project will be tasked to verify how this happened. Hence, his program will be tasked to contact thousands of Republicans in Georgia who requested an absentee ballot but did not return it either by mail or by hand.
Assuming that those numbers of voters claim they did return a ballot and made to sign affidavits, such could be presented in court.
It gets even interesting if one factor in the points raised by Trump campaign adviser Steve Cortes.
Cortes singled out the ballot counts in Pennsylvania and Georgia. Former US President Barack Obama is a well-loved figure and ran a decent campaign to win two terms during his time. But compared to the campaign of Joe Biden, he is left wondering how Biden's "lazy campaign" could outpace the same one done by Obama.
"Biden's 2020 total vote in Montgomery is reported at 313,000, crushing Obama's 233,000 take in 2012 - and population growth does not explain the gains, as the county only grew by 22,000 residents during those eight years," Cortes stated.
"All over the place"
Information from whistleblowers can also help in discovering election fraud.
Neil McCabe, the communications director at Project Veritas, a non-profit journalism enterprise focused on exposing corruption, dishonesty, fraud and other misconduct in public and private institutions, told CBN that irregularities in the recent elections are "all over the place."
A video shared on Twitter by #DetroitLeaks, for example, revealed that ballot counters were trained to enter challenged ballots into tabulating machines even though they previously were set aside and not counted.
Over in Pennsylvania, a USPS whistleblower spoke to Project Veritas, accusing their supervisor of instructing them to limit the political mail that they will deliver. This mail will be that of the "winner," which in this case, the whistleblower said, is Joe Biden.
"All political mail for Biden was to be continued to be treated as first-class and delivered the day it was received," the whistleblower said.
Other political mail that came from other sources and senders, on the other hand, will be placed in the "undeliverable" bulk business mail, the whistleblower said. This likely included political mail for Donald Trump.