A review of President Donald Trump's four years show that he really did put "America First," a report says.
Trump put "America First" as shown by his accomplishments that include "an unprecedented economic boom," "waves of deregulation," "improved fair and reciprocal trade," and "save millions of lives" during a pandemic, One America News Network reported.
OANN reported that Trump's administration paved the way for record lows in unemployment as millions of Americans gained jobs, especially since priority was given to not only American workers and families but also to minorities.
Gross Domestic Product for the third quarter of 2020 alone reveal exceeding expectations amist the pandemic with a growth rate of 7.4%, which is the "largest single quarter of economic growth on record and rougly twice the prior of 3.9% set in the first quarter of 1950" and making the annual rate at 33.1% as per published statistics in the White House website.
"With the historic third-quarter growth, the United States in a single quarter has now recovered two-thirds of the economic output lost due to the pandemic during the first half of the year (Figure 1). In the recovery from the 2008-09 recession, it took 4 times as long to regain the same share of lost economic output," the article in the White House website said.
In line with the unprecedented economic boom, OANN quoted Trump in saying, "We have seen African Americans way up and Hispanic-Americans way up and people have seen that. You know, I've said - with regard to the black community - I've done more than any other president with the exception of Abraham Lincoln."
OANN added that the deregulation provided American workers and businesses aid that positively affected the independence of US energy.
"We got you the biggest regulation cuts. There's no president that got anywhere near to the regulation cuts. It used to take 20 years to get a highway approved," Trump raised.
By improving fair and reciprocal trade, Trump ended the North American Free Trade Agreement that OANN cited as a "nightmare".
To this Ivanka Trump added via Twitter, "GOP Tax Cuts & Jobs Act of 2017 created the first National Paid Family Leave tax credit for ppl earning $72K or less."
"In 2019 POTUS secured 12 weeks of Paid Parental Leave for the federal civilian workforce, ensuring the country's largest employer led by example," she continued in the same tweet.
??GOP Tax Cuts & Jobs Act of 2017 created the first National Paid Family Leave tax credit for ppl earning $72K or less
??In 2019 POTUS secured 12 weeks of Paid Parental Leave for the federal civilian workforce, ensuring the country's largest employer led by example pic.twitter.com/cpZzFVfIVj
"” Ivanka Trump (@IvankaTrump) January 17, 2021
Trump's Operation Warp Speed also made accomplishments no other American president has done since it "carried the nation on its way to recovery," as per OANN.
OANN also cited Grand Old Party Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel who tweeted, "Millions around the country are being vaccinated thanks to Operation Warp Speed!"
Meanwhile, the First Lady Melania Trump cited the Be Best project as an important aid the government has provided to its children.
"As the legacy of #BeBest comes to a close at the @WhiteHouse, we must continue to give a voice to our Nation's children & the issues that impact their lives. It's the values & spirit of the American people that inspired Be Best & it's those values that will carry on its mission," she said in her Twitter account last January 15.
OANN also reported that Trump provided choice and affordability to American healthcare, rebuilt military with a defense sending of $2 trillion, and fulfilled his promise to "secure American borders" by building the Texan border to prevent illegal immigrants.
Trump also kept America from wars by reaching out to North Korea for its denuclearization and undergoing "a historic peace agreement between Israel and Sudan," as published by the White House website.
PBS NewsHour reported last Sunday that Trump spent his last weekend as president in the White House and actually plans to leave Washington D.C. on the morning of former Vice President Joseph Biden's inauguration into the presidency on January 20. PBS also said the president plans to provide potential pardons to criminal executions and some changes in the immigration system.