A new "Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum" is set to be voted on by the California Department of Education, which is looking to promote the "decolonization" of America through lessons that include chanting to Aztec gods in the bid for "unity" among the youth.
According to The Christian Post, the new ethnic studies curriculum, if approved, will impact primary and secondary public schools in the state, which is composed of over 6 million students across 10,000 schools.
According to FOX News, the new ethnic studies curriculum is said to be meant to "help marginalized groups" by "affirming the identities and contributions" of such groups to the society and "helps students see themselves and each other as part of the narrative of the United States. Importantly, this helps students see themselves as active agents in the interethnic bridge-building process we call American life."
The curriculum allegedly aims to promote "unity" and to "celebrate and honor Native People/s of the land and communities of Black Indigenous People of Color." It also hopes to place value and uplift the culture and experiences of the Native peoples and people of color who were often marginalized in society throughout history.
Anti-God agenda
However, California's new ethnic studies curriculum also appears to have a leftist, anti-Christ agenda in mind. The Discovery Institute's Center on Wealth & Poverty Director Christopher F. Rufo dug a little deeper into the new ethnic studies curriculum and found that its goal was to present Christianity as "evil."
Rufo's article, originally published at the City Journal, that California's new ethnic studies curriculum was based on the "pedagogy of the oppressed," which was developed by Marxist theoretician Paolo Freire. This theor claims, students should learn about their oppression to achieve "critical consciousness" and later overthrow their oppressors.
The curriculum includes activities such as making students chant to a variety of Aztec deities, including one "worshipped with human sacrifice and cannibalism," Rufo said. The kids will then be taught to ask these pagan gods "power" to become "warriors" for "social justice," among other reasons.
"The chants have a clear implication: the displacement of the Christian god, which is said to be an extension of white supremacist oppression, and the restoration of the indigenous gods to their rightful place in the social justice cosmology. It is, in a philosophical sense, a revenge of the gods," Rufo said.
Rufo also took aim at the new ethnic studies curriculum's co-chair, R. Tolteka Cuauhtin, who is the author of the book "Rethinking Ethnic Studies" by tweeting his findings.
In the book, Cuauhtin described the U.S. as a "Eurocentric, white supremacist (racist, anti-Black, anti-Indigeous), capitalist (classist), patriarchal (sexist and misogynistic), heteropatriarchal (homophobic), and anthropocentric." He also wrote that "Ethnic Studies offers oppositional stories and counter-narratives that name, speak to, resist, and transform the hegemonic Eurocentric neocolonial condition."
What's more is that Cuauhtin claims that "evil" white Christians committed "theocide" against indigenous tribes, wiping off their pagan deities and replacing them with Christian figures. The new ethnic studies curriculum seems to be built around Cuauhtin's ideologies as he has, after all, co-chaired the plan.
Independent Institute senior fellow and former U.S. Department of Education Secretary Williamson Evers criticized the new ethnic studies curriculum, telling FOX News, "They're denying that the principles of America's founding-all men are created equal, they're endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights and so forth-that these principles can, through time, bring about human rights for all."