President Biden, claiming to fight against racism in the U.S., issued an order banning the use of terms such as"China virus" and "Wuhan virus" when referring to COVID-19 in federal communications.
Following his inauguration, President Joe Biden highlighted his administration's commitment to disavow racism and xenophobia toward Asian Americans, especially after the rise in anti-Asian hate crimes connected with the COVID-19 pandemic.
In a review of an executive order, it was revealed that Biden had directed federal agencies, including the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) whether "xenophobic" references like "China virus" or "Wuhan virus" are found in any existing federal communications published by the previous administration.
According to CBS News, a look into federal communications did not find any references to the "Wuhan virus" or "China virus," despite former President Donald Trump insisting on calling COVID-19 with those terms. If any federal communications are found to use those terms, the Biden executive order will require its removal. The report said that Biden's executive order is a "critical step away from some of the race-baiting language used by the Trump administration."
"Labeling COVID-19 a foreign virus does not displace accountability for the misjudgments that have been taken thus far by the Trump administration," then presidential candidate Joe Biden said in March 2020, as per NBC News. "The coronavirus does not have a political affiliation. It will infect Republicans, independents and Democrats alike. And it will not discriminate based on national origin, race, gender or ZIP code."
But OANN is pointing out that Biden's move to remove the terms "Wuhan virus" and "China virus" in federal communication is "politically motivated" and that it only targets specific terms that former President Trump said without acknowledging the hate crimes against other communities, some of which have fallen victim to hatred from left-wing activists. The report also revealed that there has been an increase in Americans' negative attitudes towards Russians.
A 2016 Gallup report (via OANN) found that at the time, 39% of Americans saw Russia as a "critical threat" to the U.S. but in 2019, that statistic had risen to 52%. Many believe that this was influenced by political ideology. Back in 2016, Gallup's study revealed "no measurable difference between Democrats and Republicans in their attitudes to Russia," but in 2019, 46% of Democrats believed Russia was the enemy versus only 14% of Republicans.
Political ideology has also paved the way for the CCP to create its own narrative, distracting away from the true origins of COVID-19 in Wuhan. The CCP has come up with several unfounded conspiracy theories to divert attention from their failed attempts of covering up the origins of COVID-19. They even went as far as claiming that COVID-19 was deliberately brought to Wuhan by the U.S. military, an unfounded theory.
In the U.S.' fight to combat racism within the nation, President Biden is toeing the line of being politically correct and condemning hate crimes against Asians and siding with the CCP, which claims that people should not call COVID-19 the "Wuhan virus" despite evidence proving that it originated from Wuhan, China.