The wife of Carl Lentz returned to social media, expressing her thoughts about "this season of [her] life", several months after the former pastor's exit from Hillsong New York (NYC) due to moral failures.
In her Instagram post, Laura shared a moving statement reflecting on the strength of palm trees.
"[I] have looked at these palm trees everyday for the past few months & there are many symbolic meanings to these amazing trees. [A] few that have resonated with me during this season of my life," she began.
She continued by describing the characteristics of these tropical trees, mirroring herself since the previous months, enduring the disgrace caused by her husband.
"[T]hey are strong, can weather the biggest storms, they always grow upwards. freedom, righteousness,
reward, resurrection just to name a few..."
She then revealed that she took some time off from social media "because it was not good for [her] soul." She also deleted and blocked a number of people and comments on the platform.
Further, Laura criticized the trolls and other "Christians."
"[T]rolls are cowards, SOME 'Christians' are anything but kind, gracious, or loving...but that won't stop me from growing upwards & getting stronger."
She proceeded with the learnings she had through her dark experience.
"[I] have learnt a lot about myself over the past few months. [N]ow more than ever i know the kindness of God, His grace, forgiveness & strength. [I] have found true friendships- the ones who have been with me on the mountaintops are the same ones who are with me during my darkest valley!!"
Additionally, she said that some people have abandoned her during those times but chose to forgive them, considering an advice from her friend.
"[I] will not forget who abandoned us, but [I] choose to keep my heart free of bitterness & remain thankful for those that have stayed & loved us. [I] don't want to judge others nor do i want to be judged... [O]ne thing a friend told me during this time is, '[I] would rather be accused of being too gracious toward someone, over being accused of judging someone too harshly'..."
Laura concluded by describing how she wanted to be known as a person.
"[I] want to be known as a woman who sees the good in people & truly loves people unconditionally..."
On Nov. 4, Hillsong Church founder Brian Houston issued a statement, conveying Lentz's firing as Hillsong NYC pastor, citing "leadership issues and breaches of trust," as well as moral failures.
In his statement confirming the termination, Lentz admitted to being "unfaithful" to his marriage and took responsibility for his actions. He also apologized for breaking people's trust and asked for their forgiveness.
Lentz became popular after forming a friendship with Justin Bieber, whom he baptized in 2014 after the actor surrendered his life to the Lord Jesus Christ.
But after the news of his extramarital affair broke out, Bieber and his wife, Hailey, unfollowed Lentz on Instagram.