President Joe Biden's declining condition physically and mentally was on full display during this week's G7, where he appeared to struggle to answer questions from members of the media, who have been pre-selected. It is a safe assumption that he would have anticipated the questions and would have been prepared to answer them. The Democratic POTUS was also late for a NATO press conference and refused to provide a reason for his two-and-a-half-hour long tardiness.
Red State points out that President Biden's declining condition is growing more evident with each public appearance by the 78 year old, who turns a year older in November, just three months before he hits his first year mark as president. According to the report, President Biden was late for 2 hours and 30 minutes. He then gave a short speech, after which he took questions from media reporters "from a pre-selected list prepared by his handlers."
The following day, the U.S. President did not attend an early morning mass with Pope Francis. According to the Catholic News Agency, the President's entourage had "originally requested for Biden to attend Mass with the pope early in the morning" but the Vatican appeared to have uninvited the Democratic President "after considering the impact that Biden receiving Holy Communion from the pope would have on the discussions the USCCB is planning to have during their meeting starting Wednesday, June 16."
In March, the New York Post suggested that President Biden's declining condition physically and mentally was being overlooked by mainstream media after he tripped twice going up the stairs to board Air Force One in March. The White House was quick to say that the president "did not even require any attention from the medical team." But not everyone is convinced.
A growing number of Americans are concerned about President Biden's declining condition. In February, Insider reported that 33% of Americans expressed dissatisfaction over the president's mental sharpness. The Insider poll surveyed 1,154 Americans in February, just a month following the POTUS' inauguration. Survey respondents were asked "How confident do you feel about President Biden's mental sharpness and ability to do the job of president?"
The poll revealed that 22.8% were "not at all confident," while 10.8% said they were "not so confident." 17.7% appeared to be unconvinced, saying that they were only "somewhat confident."
The poll shows that the public is becoming more aware of President Biden's declining condition. After all, he did have two brain aneurysms in the late 1980s, as reported by NBC News, with one "later complicated by subsequent deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism."
The White House insists, however, that the 78 year old Democratic President's past health and medical conditions are "under control," which upon closer inspection indicates that there are current "conditions" that need to be "controlled." The specifics of these "conditions" have not been disclosed.