Across the United States today, more and more teachers and parents are speaking out against school boards for allowing curriculum that includes materials on racism, lewdness, and transgenderism. In a bid to beat alleged racism, some schools are pushing for critical race theory to be taught in classrooms, which was met with intense pushback from parents and teachers alike. Transgenderism is also a hot button issue among parents and teachers.
Most recently, a public school teacher in Northern Virginia decided to leave her job as an educator after her school district committed to teaching critical race theory, which she believes is "highly politicized agenda."
According to Faithwire, Laura Morris is a Christian and a Loudoun County educator who resigned as a fifth grade teacher at Lucketts Elementary School in Leesburg. Her resignation was in protest of the school district's critical race theory curriculum and its commitment to other leftist ideologies.
"School board, I quit," Morris told the school board during a meeting. "I quit your trainings and I quit being a cog in a machine that tells me to push highly politicized agendas on our must vulnerable constituents: the children."
It appears that the children are truly the victims of leftist ideologies such as critical race theory, as in Atlanta, Florida, the Mary Lin Elementary School has decided to segregate its students by race, a separate Faithwire report revealed. This revelation came to a Black mother named Kila Posey, who was shocked to find out from another Black woman, Sharyn Briscoe that "black students were in two separate classes with two separate teachers while white students were in six other classes with six different teachers."
Posey filed a discrimination complaint with the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights, alleging that the school's segregation policy violated Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
The Atlanta Public Schools district responded by saying that it "does not condone the assigning of students to classrooms based on race." The district added that they reviewed the allegations and had taken appropriate actions "to address the issue and the matter was closed."
Meanwhile in Indiana, parents were left outraged with a school district allegedly "allowed libaries" in their elementary, middle, and high schools to have "explicit sex scenes and elaborate on masturbation and transgender identity." Parents who were shocked over this matter took to the Carmel Clay School Board meeting late last month to read excerpts from the problematic books, the Christian Post reported.
Such problematic books included "Introducing Teddy: A Gentle Story About Gender and Friendship," which followed a stuffed bear named "Teddy" who wanted to be called "Tilly," another book titled "Sparkle Boy" that followed the story of a cross-dressing toddler, and "Call Me Max" about a kindergarten girl who wants to identify as a male. Another book was "It's Perfectly Normal: Changing Bodies, Growing Up, Sex, and Sexual Health," which parents allege teaches children to masturbate.
One parent decried these problematic reading materials, saying, "[The] global campaign to promote sexualized material to grade school children which are heralded by the U.N., championed by Planned Parenthood and is now making its way into the Carmel schools."