Pfizer revealed that it is using Israel as a special "laboratory" for the evaluation of the COVID vaccine's effects.
Dr. Philip Dormitzer, Pfizer's Vice President and Chief Scientist, said in a recording shown on Israel's Channel 12 on September 10:
"Early in the pandemic, we established a relationship with the Israeli Ministry of Health, where they use exclusively the Pfizer vaccine, and then monitor very closely... A laboratory, where we can see the effect."
Arad Nir of Al-monitor, who provided the recording, explains that it was captured at an online academic session for invited scientists through Zoom.
Noting that Dr. Dormitzer discussed the decline of Pfizer vaccine's efficacy in Israel, Nir brought attention to two points made by the Pfizer's VP.
First, Pfizer continues to refer to Israel as its laboratory in all matters relating to vaccinations, which are considered experimental. Second, contrary to the Israeli Ministry of Health's statements, Dormitzer asserts that an agreement was reached in which Pfizer's vaccines would be utilized solely in Israel.
Nir said emphatically that Pfizer should have sought Israeli agreement and authorization to participate in a commercial trial that would be referenced in the United States and across the world.
He also stated that he inquired of Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis, director of public health services, why Israel's people are Pfizer's captive market.
Alroy-Preis, on the other hand, replied that there was no exclusive arrangement with Pfizer, which contradicted what Pfizer's VP claimed.
In an analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola published on NOQ Report, he reiterated that Pfizer shot causes an increased risk of heart inflammation among young people compared to some of the other COVID shots. Yet in Israel, young men have no choice but to take the most unsafe dose because of the alleged agreement.
When the Delta strain became prevalent in Israel in late July, Pfizer's shot's efficacy dropped from 95% to 39%. Despite apparent vaccine failure, Israel began providing third boosters in late July 2021. Nachman Ash, director general of the Ministry of Health, told Radio 103FM They are still unsure when a fourth dosage may be required, but there is no sign that boosters will be discontinued.
According to Israeli statistics, people who have been fully vaccinated are at greater risk of developing severe disease if they contract SARS-CoV-2 or any of its variants, and they now account for the vast majority of COVID-related hospitalizations and deaths, indicating that vaccine failure is widespread.
This data from Israel's Health Ministry showed that of the 7,700 new COVID cases in the country, 98% were vaccinated people, while the remaining 2% were from previously infected individuals.
"By contrast, Israelis who were vaccinated were 6.72 times more likely to get infected after the shot than after natural infection, with over 3,000 of the 5,193,499, or 0.0578%, of Israelis who were vaccinated getting infected in the latest wave," Israel National News reported.
"If there's a silver lining to this experiment, it's that Israel at least appears to be far more diligent and transparent in its data collection than the U.S.," notes Dr. Mercola. "The data coming out of Israel is considered by many to be the best in the world because of their commitment to transparency."
Meanwhile, Dr. Anthony Fauci was questioned in a September 11 CNN interview why those with natural immunity are needed to receive the COVID injection despite the fact that they are likely better protected than "vaccinated" people.
"That's a really good point...I don't really have a firm answer for you on that," he replied.
Dr. Mercola said that, despite Fauci's pretense of ignorance, it is self-evident that this pandemic may be averted through natural herd immunity.