A Christian teacher from Virginia is reportedly cited by parents as a "role model" for refusing to call children using the transgender pronouns.
Life News reported that Physical Education teacher Tanner Cross was put on "administrative leave" after he shared his views against the Loudoun County Public Schools' policy on the use of LGBTQ gender/pronoun and during a public meeting on it. The said leave was imposed on him to set as precedent against those who intend to reveal the lie on the "new cult of Diversion, Inclusion and Equity (a.k.a. D.I.E.)."
Cross filed a lawsuit against the Loudoun County Public Schools for putting him on mandatory leave. He was then seen as an "enemy" by the Loudoun County Public Schools who even tried to fire him. But Judge James Plowman ruled that it was an "unconstitutional action" on the part of the schools and mandated he be reinstated to his job. The school was also "scolded" for violating the First Amendment rights of Cross.
However, a friend of Cross' and a former parent of LCPS, Ryan Bomberger, revealed that the school refused to implement the mandate given them by Plowman.
"The school administration certainly didn't want to include him as a valued staff member any longer despite the fact that students were awarded 'Time with Tanner' for good behavior. And they definitely had no interest in actual equity, or fairness, as they pursued firing him again for daring to have a different faith and science-based opinion," Bomberger said in his article at Life News.
Instead they appealed their side of the case but eventually was "slapped down" for their "vindictive effort to silence informed dissent." Cross won the case and those who protested against the school in his behalf called it a "profound First Amendment victory in Virginia."
Bomberger condemned the school for forgetting their "roles" to educate children and not to "indocrinate" them. He called the school board as "out-of-control" for "implementing policies without regard to the division and harm they are causing."
"The majority of these elected officials seem to forget their role is to serve the community by ensuring our taxpayer-funded schools are educating our children. Instead, many of the (soon-to-be-recalled) school board members have opted to indoctrinate children, alienate parents, and litigate against their own staff," Bomberger underscored.
In his article, Bomberger applauded Cross for his bravery in standing out for his Christian faith and acted similarly to Jesus Christ who loved children.
"His courageous stand, not only for free speech and religious liberty, spoke volumes about how much he cared about the precious and easily malleable minds in his school. This is how Christ felt. He loved little children. He healed them. He spoke of them in parables. He loves the broken...enough that he sacrificed himself so that we (yes, all of us are broken) can be set free. Tanner emulates this model. Every Christian should."
"Courage doesn't need a crowd. It doesn't need endorsements. It doesn't need elected leaders' approval. It just needs conviction. And Tanner has lots of it," Bomberger said.
Bomberger stressed that Cross' speaking against the use of the LGBTQ pronouns was not a mere "speech" but "it's their lives" pertaining to the 15-year educator and his wife, Angela.
He disclosed that the couple truly love children even though they couldn't have one of their own. He said both teach "something so basic, so scientific, so apparent" such as "boys are boys" and "girls are girls" since Angela also has her own in-home Pre-K and Kindergarten Christian program.
"The world needs more people like Tanner and Angela. More children, whether born or yet-to-be-born, need the kind of parents that Tanner and Angela long to be," Bomberger ended.
Bomberger, who became a friend to the Crosses, created a GoFundMe for them because he said they want to adopt "a child in need."
"Tanner and I have always said we'd love to adopt. We have seen what a beautiful and amazing blessing adoption can be and can't think of a better way to serve God than to give ourselves as parents to a child in need," Angela told Bomberger.
The fundraiser, meant to help the Crosses raise the funds they need for the entire adoption process, was able to raise upwards of $9,300 as of writing time. They are looking to raise $40,000, and those who want to help such a remarkable Christian couple fulfill their mission to raise children using Biblical principles can do so via donating here.