One scientist that believed God was just a fairy tale has discovered His existence after reading a Bible that was given to him.
Many in the scientific community are not believers of faith and Jesus Christ, as they often believe things on the basis of evidence. Such was Josef Chaloupka, who once did not believe in God and Jesus Christ. As a child, he had a fascination with science and math and how things worked. As he grew older, he would study at a technical university.
"If there is some exact scientific evidence with which you can prove something, you prove it," Chaloupka remarked to Faithpot. That was his initial belief.
Chaloupka shared that he went on to study automation management, which he described as "combination of robotics, programming, electronics," which field he continues to practice in today. He shared that he likes designing new algorithms that help "recognize different signals" and enjoys teaching because he likes to "pass on the scientific knowledge...to students."
Scientist and Teacher Encounters Jesus for the First Time Through the Bible
Chaloupka first encountered Jesus when two men were giving out Bibles in front of the university the scientist worked at. It was then when his life changed for good.
Chaloupka shared that he was "happy to take the Bible" from the givers as he truly "wanted to read what the whole story of Jesus is about." He admitted that he "always thought the story of Jesus and how He was raised from the dead was a fairytale." So, the scientist wanted to have a Bible to "talk with other Christians" and have a "debate with someone," which was "necessary to have all the information."
However, upon reading the Bible Chaloupka realized that Scripture was not what he previously thought it would be. The scientist admitted that he discovered "very logical structure" that led him to realize that "it's not just a fairytale" and that "God is totally different" from what he had imagined.
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Scientist Experiences a Transformation Upon Reading the Bible
When Chaloupka devoured the Bible, he realized that "Jesus was in this world for totally different reasons than [he] had originally thought." The scientist admitted that he felt "surprised" about "how kind" Jesus was and "how different" He was from his own definition of Christ. It was then when he "began to seek Him."
"At the moment I decided to really seek Him, I was completely transformed inside. At that moment, it was as if I was struck by lightning," Chaloupka recalled, explaining that instead of feeling pain as one who gets struck with lightning would feel, he felt something else entirely. "I was struck by absolute peace and rest. Since that moment, I have known, know with a capital K, that God really exists."
Chaloupka shared that other scientists like him are also finding God at the "edge of their research" when they realize that "out there is really something more." He added, "All the world systems, whether physics, chemistry, or biology, are so complicated, complex, and intelligently created that behind this intelligent design, there must definitely be an intelligent creator."
"For me, personally this intelligent creator is our God, Jesus Christ," Chaloupka concluded.
Chaloupka is just one of many scientists who believe in God. Like him is NIH director Francis Collins, who in an interview in 2006 shed light on his faith, the Scientific American reported. Collins, who won the 2020 Templeton Prize, said it was "heartbreaking" to see the "increasing polarization between extremists on both ends of the atheism and belief spectrum." He admitted that his "first struggle was to believe in God" but he is now a man of faith.
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