According to the Bitcoin Magazine, the nuns of the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of the Apostles in Kansas were able to have a church built through Bitcoin. In the article, it said that the architectural marvel was paid for by the church through Bitcoin donations in 2017.
Mother Abbess Cecilia of the monastery said that the church is continuing its traditions as well as Western Culture. The Abbess added that the church is stable and that they do what they have to do with love and diligence.
Mother Cecilia gave her thanks and adoration to the "Bitcoin benefactors." She said that without their assistance, the church would still be paying their loans for the building.
Those interested in donating Bitcoin to the nuns for their musical career may do so at the link provided by the church.
Even Father Matthew Bartulica, the chaplain of the monastery in Kansas City, Missouri is a priest who has fully embraced Bitcoin. The article said that anyone who's interested in Bitcoin should meet and talk with the priest. It added that it was the one who helped the sisters set up their Bitcoin and guided them to financial sovereignty.
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The Benedictines of Mary and Technology
According to Cloistered Life, The Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles is a monastic community that follows the rules of St. Benedict. As such, the nuns follow the Blessed Virgin Mary who gave herself to God. The monastery started in 1995 and takes in unmarried Catholic Women without impediments within the Code of Canon Law.
On the page of the monastery, it says that it started under the protection of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter as the "Oblates of Mary, Queen of Apostles." The name is a part of the vow of the sisters to live in service to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The name became what it is known today in 2006 when it became a Public Association of the Faithful. This change came along with the transfer of the organization to the diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph in Missouri. By 2014, it received the status of the Religious Institute of Diocesan Rights.
The sisters are said to "offer their lives in prayer and sacrifice for priests." They also wait for the coming of the Lord while singing endless praise to God. Finally, the sisters also serve in line with Benedictine hospitality, especially to priests.
The article also talked about how the monastery has adapted well to using other available technology to further its cause. Apart from Bitcoin, the nuns are releasing chants and hymn music to Spotify, the music streaming platform. The article said that through Spotify and other means, the music of the nuns has been streamed over 3.5 million times.
Bitcoin Digital Currency
According to Brittanica, Bitcoin was started in 2009 through the efforts of the group of programmers known as Satoshi Nakamoto. The group created the currency because of worries about the trustworthiness of banks to work properly.
The currency aimed to become a "medium of exchange" that did not rely on any financial institutions or governments.
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