'The Big Bang Theory' Season 8 Episode 15 Spoiler: Howard to Deal with Mother's Death

The Big Bang Theory

The episode of "The Big Bang Theory" to be aired on February 19, 2015 will see the departure of one of the staple characters of the show as well as feature a familiar face commonly seen in small screen programs, according to the spoiler provided in The Big Bang Theory Wiki.

The eighth season's fifteenth episode might be a tearjerker for the fans and followers of the show as the cast, particularly Howard Wollowitz who is played by actor Simon Helberg, struggle to bid goodbye to Mrs. Deborah "Debbie" Wollowitz, voiced by Carol Ann Susi.

Although she was never seen in the show, her presence has been widely recognized due to her loud voice and dictator style management of the household.

Her death was featured in the show as a tribute to the actress behind her voice who recently passed away. The plot commemorated Mrs. Wollowitz' participation in the show by offering a toast in her honor after every person shared their memories with Howard's mother.

Meanwhile, the show also focused on the reopening of the comic book store of Stuart Bloom. The gang all gathered to assist in the event, which will ignite an argument between Stuart and Howard when the latter sees his mother's furniture displayed in the shop. This will give the audience a more in-depth insight on the emotional struggle of Howard as he sits in his mother's chair while Bernadette Maryann Rostenkowski-Wolowitz, who is portrayed by Melissa Rauch, his wife, attempts to comfort him.

Another highlight of the episode will be the appearance of Firefly star Nathan Fillion based on a report from Venture Capital Post. His cameo will bring about much excitement to both Rajesh "Raj" Koothrappali, played by Kunal Nayyar, and Leonard Hofstadter, portrayed by Johnny Galecki.

In previous episodes, the show's characters have frequently expressed their fondness for the FOX sci-fi show that ran from 2002 to 2003. Fillion was then Captain Malcolm Reynolds of the series, which understandably thrilled the two characters. They then bicker on the identity of the man assumed to be the sci-fi actor, and eventually decided to have a picture with him.