"Terminator: Genisys" star Jai Courtney will next star as Captain Boomerang in director David Ayer's "Suicide Squad" film, and he will appear completely different as the anti-hero compared to his other roles such as Kyle Reese in the "Terminator" franchise and Eric Coulter in "Divergent," where he is always clean-shaven.
The Australian actor is naturally hairy, so when he came to the set, the director felt the need to take matters into his own hands. Captain Boomerang appears somewhat rugged and sports a beard, so Ayer decided to give Courtney a trim himself - all the while criticizing the way the actor looks with long hair.
"He just picked up the clippers and started shaving me. I'd shown up quite hairy so you've got freedom to kind of move. And he just started attacking me and at first and I was like 'Ok what are we...' And he's like, 'You look like bad news. Looks like your buddy got drunk and cut your hair...' And he was like 'it's good' and left," Courtney told Hit Fix.
Despite the impromptu haircut and critiques, Courtney really looks up to Ayer and admires his work. When he was first offered the role of Captain Boomerang, Courtney admitted that he was hesitant to play the Australian supervillain.
However, he has faith in Ayer's vision for "Suicide Squad" so he decided to just go for it.
"To be honest, when David told me that the role of Captain Boomerang was what he was thinking, I kind of cringed. 'Cause I wasn't a comic book kid. I wasn't familiar with the DC universe and the history of that'. So I knew nothing about it. And I was, like, 'Oh, god, Captain Boomerang... Really? I really don't know how Australians will react to this,'" he told Spotlight Report.
But Courtney said that Ayer has the ability to embrace the comic book elements of the characters and infuse their stories within serious drama, so he definitely can find a good balance between both worlds.
"He's the perfect guy to have on your side, because you look at some of the comic books and some of the old sixties stuff is so hammy, you know, and kind of camp. But, get a guy like David Ayer at the helm of a thing like this and it really gets kind of dark and gritty, and, you know, awesome. And he's a stickler for authenticity," said Courtney.