Taylor Swift Shares Inspiring Words to Fan: Knowing Your Worth Sometimes Comes With No Proof At All

Photo of Taylor Swift
A photo of Taylor Swift taken at a Youtube event on September 2011. |

It is no secret that "1989" songstress Taylor Swift cares a great deal for her fans, often congratulating them on their successes and comforting them during moments of failure. She visits fans who are sick, helps shoulder the medical and educational expenses of those in need, and even gives them little gifts such as trinkets and paintings she made herself.

It's also rare for stars as famous as Swift to spend time checking out her fans' social media accounts and liking their photos and videos, sometimes even commenting on them, but this is exactly what Swift does, much to the delight of her followers.

So when one teenager named "Stormie" shared her frustrations on social media, Swift decided to cheer her up a bit and provide inspirational words: "I hate that you're feeling this way and it's so hard not to dwell on our fears and doubts, because we want spoilers for how it's going to turn out," Swift wrote, according to the young girl's Tumblr page.

The singer maintained optimism all throughout her reply, and hoped that it would cheer the young girl up during times that she would need it the most.

"But in reality, we just have to go through life not knowing what's next. It's scary, but it's also the wildest, most thrilling part of life. Just when you think it's going to get worse, it could get better instead. It WILL. You've always been there with kind, thoughtful words for me when I'm down and I just need you to know how important you are."

People often assume that their worth is based on other people's approval, but Swift does not seem to think so.

"Knowing your worth sometimes comes without any proof at all. You're worth more than flaky friends and people who dismiss you, or underestimate you. Sometimes it seems like that's all you get, but it's not all you'll ever get. Believe that. Love you," she concluded.

Swift's inspirational words meant the world to "Stormie," and the young girl expressed gratefulness that she has someone like Swift in her life. "It's three thirty in the morning and I'm just in shock. I'm so thankful for this. I really needed to hear it tonight. This really helped me and i hope it helps everyone else," she wrote.

She further thanked Swift for "being a best friend to me," adding that "it means everything to me to know that my words can help you even a little when you're down. I love you forever."