Pastors and Leaders from different denominations come together in a video titled "Baptisms: It's On Me" which was released by the North American Mission Board (NAMB), a domestic missions agency of the Southern Baptist Convention.
The president of NAMB, Kevin Ezell starts the video with the statement, "In the past 20 years, North America's population has risen by 48.2 million people."
Ezell then introduces the name of the game in a statement, "When it comes to baptism decline in the SBC, it's on me."
Then the following pastors and leaders who appear on screen repeat the phrase, "It's on me" to emphasize the urgency to take ownership in reviving baptisms in America.
Baptisms: It's On Me from North American Mission Board on Vimeo.
"We have got to own this problem and say, 'Lord, what needs to change in me? What posture do I need to take to ask You why we're not bearing abundant fruit?" lead pastor of The Summit Church in Durham, N.C., J.D. Greear shared in the video.
As motivational background music resounded, pastors continued to inspire fellow Christian leaders across denominations to take ownership with statements like, "When love goes up, baptism goes up," "Baptism waters are stirred when pastors have the courage to ask their people to be part," and "We've got to go fish. So let's go pastors!"
"There's no reason for us to point fingers or play the blame game because it's on me," Thomas Hammond, executive director of the Georgia Baptist Mission Board shared.
"It's on us all. So, what we need to do is to really focus on the Great Commission. It's to remember what Christ reminded us and that's to keep our eyes on the harvest field because it's abundant and it's ready for harvest. It's important for us like never before to equip the saints for the work of the ministry and to go out into the fields ourselves," Hammond said.
The Christian leaders are coming together to revive baptism from the 20-year decline and as a leader in the video shared, "Let's pivot, refocus, and join the search and rescue until every life is saturated and transformed by the hope of the gospel."