Thom Rainer Articles
At What Age Should a Pastor Retire? Ten Diagnostic Questions
There are a lot of us Baby Boomer pastors and Christian leaders around. And it’s cliché, but we aren’t getting any younger. It’s a quiet question that many are asking, but they are asking it nonetheless: What age should I retire? Six Main Traits of Preacher Eater Churches
Over the past three decades, I have learned much about preacher eater churches. Most of the time, they can be described with six main traits. Ten Ways Pastors Can Be Great Bosses
Here are the most frequent comments we heard from church staff. These are ten ways pastors can be great bosses. Five Principles to Help Pastors and Staff Know When to Compromise
Some of the most painful wounds in ministry are self-inflicted. But, sometimes, compromise is in order. When the Pastor Has an Affair
It happens too frequently. It can be the lead pastor or any church staff member. And too many churches do not handle such tragedy well. Six Current Trends in Land Purchases by Churches
I have noted on numerous occasions the incredible pace of change impacting churches. Another change is increasingly become more evident: how and when churches make land purchases. Here are six major shifts. Seven Questions to Ask If You Barely Receive a Positive Vote to Go to a Church
You are being considered by a church to become the pastor or to fill a staff position. The church’s bylaws require a congregational vote to affirm you. According to those bylaws, the vote to affirm you must be at least 70 percent of those present and voting. Six Statements That Can Kill a Church
Words can kill churches because they often have deadly actions behind them. As we begin this new year, please allow me to share six statements that I have heard from church members whose churches have died. Five Common Greeter Mistakes to Correct in the New Year
Greeter ministries, like any other ministries, can get in a rut. And since we are about to greet a new year, let’s have an honest conversation about how to begin a new year with some improvements in your greeter ministry. Seven Commitments of Renewal Every Church Leader Should Make for a New Year
I admit it. I used to hate New Year resolutions. They seemed so contrived and short-termed. I’ve probably had resolutions to lose over 2,000 pounds over the course of my life.