The United States Senate blocked H.R. 3755 or more known as the "Women's Health Protection Act," which President Joe Biden supported to contradict the Texas Heartbeat Act.
As per the Christian Headlines, all 46 Republican Senators and one Democrat Senator--Sen. Joe Manchin--voted against the bill, as against a 46 favorable solid vote by the Democratic Party. These votes, totaling 47-46, were 14 votes short of a filibuster.
Congressional Democrats re-introduced the bill last June through the leading of Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal and Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin coupled with California Representative Judy Chu, Florida Representative Lois Frankel, Massachusetts Representative Ayanna Pressley, and Texas Representative Veronica Escobar.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi pushed H.B. 3755 when the Texas Heartbeat Act or Senate Bill 8 was implemented on September 1. Pelosi intended to codify Roe v. Wade in the fear that SB 8, which bans abortions on pregnancies six weeks and beyond once a fetal heartbeat has been detected, would be replicated in other states. Biden, who condemned SB8, supported Pelosi and officially endorsed HB 3755 in the same month the former was implemented.
H.R. 3755 protects "a person's ability to determine whether to continue or end a pregnancy and to protect a health care provider's ability to provide abortion services." The bill is seen by pro-life and religious organizations as a very dangerous bill since it is foreseen to "kill" all laws protecting the unborn once it is passed and enacted.
Called a deceptive bill by the Heritage Foundation, H.R. 3755 would mandate a radical abortion regime in the country that would endanger both present and future federal and state laws that protect the unborn, as well as, safeguard women's health and the consciences of medical providers. It is also expected to affect religious liberty and taxpayer funds.
So much so that bishops have condemned H.B. 3755 as "Satanists" work and have even asked the faithful in October to fast and pray for Pelosi's conversion, days after the bill was approved in the House of Representatives in September.
The Charlotte Lozier Institute, the research arm of pro-life giant Susan B. Anthony List, released a legal analysis of the bill last year. The Institute raised there were several attempts of the bill to be passed in Congress ever since it was first introduced in 2013 but that it never advanced. The Institute said the bill is often blocked because it nullifies the will of citizens and state legislatures by imposing a federal takeover of abortion policy.
"The operative language of the bill cuts at the heart of a state's ability to enact any meaningful restriction on abortion by providing a statutory right for an abortion provider to perform an abortion and for a pregnant woman to obtain an abortion without common protective restrictions currently in place in many states," the Charlotte Lozier Institute said.
In line with Monday's pro-life victory, Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser thanked the senators for preventing the extreme abortion bill from becoming a law. Dannenfelser called the bill an "Abortion On Demand Until Birth Act" and condemned Biden, Pelosi, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer for supporting the bill's enshrinement.
Dannenfelser underscored that Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer disregarded the fact that babies already feel pain from late-term abortions and lethal discrimination abortions that H.B. 3755 allows. She particularly called out Schumer for representing how the Democratic Party disregards the desires of the people. A survey conducted in November showed that a majority of Americans support SB8.
"In calling for this bill to be passed, Chuck Schumer referred to abortion as a 'sacred' and 'fundamental right'--proving that pro-abortion Democrats could not be more radically out of touch with the American people. Those who sided with the abortion lobby to trample the will of the people will face political consequences," Dannenfelser said.