An organizer of a rescue mission to Afghanistan blasted President Joe Biden's State Department for trying to grab the credit on the rescue of an American mother and her three kids from the country now ruled by the Taliban.
The Blaze reported that one of the organizers of the said mission, Cory Mills, has accused the United States Department of State for "spinning" lies regarding their role in the matter. The mission included private donors, a team of private military veterans, and Oklahoma Representative Markwayne Mullin.
In an interview with Fox News, Mills said the mother, Mariam, actually "got no help" from the department when she sought their assistance.
"The fact that they're spinning this, trying to take 100% credit when they didn't track this family, when they placated this family, when the mother, who was under extreme stress and extreme pressure, reached out to the State Department multiple times and got no help," Mills disclosed.
"This is an attempt to save face by the administration for the Americans they left behind. This is a woman with three children from age 15 all the way down to two-years-old. And they did nothing to try to expedite this. But at the very last minute you have these 'senior officials' at the State Department trying to claim credit for this like 'oh yeah look what we've done'," she added.
Mills' remarks came in response to a statement the Department released regarding the mission. However, the State Department did not identify nor clarify if they were pertaining to the same people.
"U.S. has facilitated the safe departure of four US citizens by overland route from Afghanistan. Embassy staff was present upon their arrival," said the statement.
Mullin narrated in Twitter about his involvement in the mission even before the State Department released their statement. Mullin said he was approached "a little over three weeks ago" by a friend regarding Mariam's need to flee from Afghanistan.
"A little over three weeks ago, I received an email from a friend asking if there was anything we could do to help a young lady named Mariam and her 3 small children (all American citizens) get out of Afghanistan," Mullin began the thread posted on Monday.
THREAD: A little over three weeks ago, I received an email from a friend asking if there was anything we could do to help a young lady named Mariam and her 3 small children (all American citizens) get out of Afghanistan. pic.twitter.com/QWz1WUF389
"” Markwayne Mullin (@RepMullin) September 6, 2021
Accordingly, Mariam was trapped in Kabul when the Talibans overtook it. She only came there "to visit her parents for the first time with the kids." They were successfully rescued from Kabul two weeks ago but encountered "many frustrating setbacks," which included "literally looking death in the face multiple times." Good thing Mullin and the team working on her rescue "never gave up" like her.
"We worked around the clock. But despite the many frustrating setbacks, the team I have been blessed to work with never gave up. Mariam and the kids have been through so much, literally looking death in the face multiple times, including again today, but they never gave up either," Mullin said in a succeeding tweet.
Mullin revealed that Mariam was finally evacuated from Afghanistan on Monday and gave thanks to God for the success of the rescue mission. He also disclosed there are still many left in Afghanistan having the same situation as Mariam's.
"This morning at 05:32EDT they got out of Afghanistan. Praise the Lord!" Mullin announced.
"There are still many families like Mariam's who are desperately wanting and waiting to get out. America cannot rest until we get them all home," he added.
Following the statement released by the Department of State, Mullin condemned it as a "flat lie" because the "Biden Administration abandoned them." He clarified that it was their "team of patriots who worked around the clock for two weeks" who got Mariam and her family safely out of Afghanistan "despite the many roadblocks from the State Department."