Scripture, as well as some ministers who've faced persecution, have been warning Christians to prepare for possible challenges to their faith in Christ. While Christians in other nations such as China, North Korea, Pakistan, India and more continue to face hardship for their faith in Christ, believers in other nations such as America aren't as persecuted - or so people might've thought.
Navy veteran and One America News Network correspondent and host Jack Posobiec, himself a self-confessed Christian, warns that American believers must be willing and able to seek truth and stand on the truth of God's Word in the face of rising communism and Marxism.
Posobiec, who chose to work in media during a time characterized by massive misinformation and disinformation, says he is "concerned" about people's freedoms as he sees them being attacked left and right.
"I am concerned about liberty and freedom going forward," he told Charisma News.
OANN and other news outlets such as Newsmax, per Posobiec, have seen a massive rise in the number of viewers and readers, notably in the aftermath of the highly contested 2020 elections where Biden allegedly won over President Donald Trump.
The navy vet said he saw the shift in viewership, from Fox News to OANN, as well as other media outlets that people feel line up with their values and beliefs. This shift, he noted, can be attributed to his network's truthful journalism.
"OANN is truly an independent voice that allows us to simply seek and report the truth," he said.

As a reporter, former intel officer and China analyst, Posobiec is able to spot a form of communism, normally found in Chinese Communist Party-led China, creeping in America.
"We see ... a resurgence of Marxism and communism in a new and more dangerous form," he said, adding that it is almost like "another cultural revolution and a new form of communism that is very much like what is in China."
He explained that he saw this kind of anti-Christian hate, the same kind that Christians in China face from the ruling regime, and said that believers must recognize it and be ready to deal with it.
"I was at an antifa rally and watched as they assaulted a street preacher," he recalled. "What is of great concern is the left's over-the-top hate of Christians, and we need to recognize that and deal with it."
It's worth noting that Christians in America are already facing persecution for their beliefs. Some who value the lives of the unborn according to Scripture face opposition from those who are pro-abortion. Many who believe and stand for the male and female sexes as written in Scripture also face opposition from those who are very serious and vocal in their support of the LGBT agenda.
And while Christians in America do not face brutal torture, intense persecution, and even death for believing and refusing to renounce faith in the Son of God, Jesus Christ, they are faced with a different kind of opposition -something the Aid to the Church in Need calls "polite persecution."
Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League, explains this kind of anti-God and anti-Christ opposition using these words:
"If Christians in the Middle East need to fear the machete, Christians in the Western world need to fear the media, higher education, activist organizations and government. They are the ones advocating, or imposing, a secular agenda on religious institutions."
In light of this, Posobiec, whose "faith means everything to me, and I try to live as a Christian in my daily life," reminds fellow Christ-believers of a very basic truth that must not be forgotten or ignored:
"Just like Jesus, we will be hated for God's truth."
These words echo what the Lord Jesus Christ Himself said according to John 15:18-20, saying,
"If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you, 'A servant is not greater than his master.' If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also."
The outspoken Christian encourages believers to live boldly in Christ with the grace that God provides:
"God gives us the power of faith, the power to live as a Christian, the power to live our professional lives."