The Anglican Church in Singapore issued a statement on Saturday expressing its dismay over the decision made by the Church of England to grant blessings to couples of the same sexual orientation. It said that it could not condone its decision.
'Deeply Disappointed'
According to a report from The Star, Right Rev. Titus Chung, bishop of the Anglican Church, stated that many of the congregation's members are "troubled" by the recent events.
They are 'deeply disappointed' by the Church of England's decision and unambiguously state that the blessing of same-sex unions has no biblical ground whatsoever since scripture teaches unequivocally that marriage is between one man and one woman. Yet, the church continued by saying that "God loves humans of all sexual orientations," even though it does not support the particular choice in romantic partnerships.
In addition, Sabah, Kuching, and West Malaysian bishops also signed the statement. However, as per the letter released by the Province of the Anglican Church in South East Asia, they will walk alongside those who have made such decisions and care for them, praying that the Lord will give them the ability to live following His Word.
Because Anglican provinces are self-governing and do not fall under the jurisdiction of the Church of England, the latter's decision will not affect their viewpoint or practice. As a Province, they will adhere to the teachings of the Bible. In addition, they reaffirm their allegiance to the Anglican Formularies, stressing that they make no exceptions for the blessing of same-sex couples.
Although they have significant misgivings about the choice made by the Church of England, they believe that the unity of the Anglican communion should not be casually abandoned. Hence, they will continue to connect with the Church of England while praying earnestly for her and loudly advocating for the truth that God has revealed.
Also Read:Historic Move: Church of England Approves Blessings for Same-Sex Couples
Church of England Votes to Offer Blessings for Same-sex Unions
With a historic vote by its governing council, Church of England priests will be authorized to bless the civil marriages of same-sex couples. This represents a significant shift in the church's attitude toward homosexuality, The Guardian reported.
During an intense debate lasting more than eight hours, the Church of England's national parliament, the General Synod, decided by 250 votes to 181 to endorse a proposal by bishops meant to heal years of agonizing divides and disputes over sexuality.
However, the highly heated speeches given by those who advocated for complete equality for LGBTQ+ Christians and those who argued that conventional biblical teaching on marriage and sex must be respected signaled that the discussion is likely to continue in the future.
Also, it was decided by the synod that the church would issue an apology to LGBTQ+ individuals for the hurt it has caused in the past. It welcomed a future review of a restriction on clergy entering into same-sex civil weddings and a celibacy requirement for clergy in same-sex relationships.
Both the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, and the Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell, expressed their optimism that this decision would represent a 'fresh beginning' for the Church of England. They stated, "it has been a long road to get us to this point."
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