A transgender woman, born biologically male, is reportedly sworn in as a first four star officer of the United States.
The New York Times reported that Dr. Rachel Levine is the first "female four-star admiral" in the history of the United States.
"Dr. Rachel Levine was sworn in as the first female four-star admiral in the history of the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, a uniformed service of more than 6,000 health, science and engineering professionals," The New York Times announced in a tweet last Wednesday.
Levine was appointed by President Joe Biden as Assistant Secretary last January for the Department of Health and Human Services--an appointment said to be a "normalizing" of transgenderism in the country.
The United States Senate confirmed Levine's appointment last March despite being grilled on his stand regarding sex-change by Kentucky Senator Rand Paul the month before. Paul pointed out the dangers of sex change procedures especially on minors since he said it is "genital mutilation" which is prohibited by law.
Renowned pro-lifer Lila Rose rebuked the claims of The New York Times that Levine was the first "female" admiral to become the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, stating that he is a transgender woman who spent most of his life becoming an admiral as man.
"Levine spent most of his decades-long career as a man. He then said he was a woman in 2011. What woman (or man?) can actually compete with 10 years of career and then become a four-star admiral? This isn't breaking a glass ceiling for women, it's creating one made of steel," Rose raise in Twitter last Wednesday.
Levine spent most of his decades-long career as a man. He then said he was a woman in 2011. What woman (or man?) can actually compete with 10 years of career and then become a four-star admiral? This isn't breaking a glass ceiling for women, it's creating one made of steel. https://t.co/XbQodvo8sm
"” Lila Rose (@LilaGraceRose) October 21, 2021
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President Albert Mohler said during Levine's appointment that Biden was coercing the American people to accept the LGBTQ agenda. The appointment was not meant to say that Levine was "the very most qualified person to serve in this crucial role as the nation faces the pandemic" but the person is "important because of the transgender identity."
Now, Levine becomes the "first openly transgender four-star officer to serve in any of the country's eight uniformed services" being an admiral, making him "the highest-ranking official of the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps", NPR said.
"Levine's appointment to the USPHS Commissioned Corps also made her the organization's first female four-star admiral," NPR highlighted.
Levine expressed gratitude for the new role he received, promising to serve fully as he can. In his speech during the ceremonies, Levine stressed that he is a "first openly transgender" admiral that gives "inclusivity" for the LGBTQ community after highlighting his family and relatives who were part of the military and served in different wars to emphasize the credibility of his background and expertise.
"I am deeply honored & grateful to join the ranks of men & women across this great nation who have committed to defend the United States against small & large threats, known and unknown. I promise to uphold that trust to the fullest extent of my abilities," Levine said in Twitter on Tuesday.
Levine expressed pride to represent the LGBTQ community as he stands "wearing this uniform ready to be a beacon in this dark age of COVID-19." He urged the need for America "to move the bar forward in diversity."
"This is a momentous occasion and I am honored to take this role and the impact that I can make and for the historic nature of what it symbolizes. I stand on the shoulders on those LGBTQ+ who came before me--all of those known and unknown. May this appointment today be the first of many more to come as we create a more diverse and more inclusive nation," Levine said.
"The time is now for our country to continue to move the bar forward in diversity," he stressed.