Former President Donald Trump said the Chinese Communist Party no longer respects the United States under the Biden administration, which in turn, may lead to a war between the two nations.
In a statement released on Wednesday, Trump explained China lost respect for America because of the "rigged" elections and the withdrawal of military forces from Afghanistan that has led to a weakened leadership. Trump said this was further reinforced by the death of American military men in Afghanistan and the military equipment being seized by the Taliban.
"Because the Election was rigged, and America now has weak and corrupt leadership, we may very well end up in a war with China who no longer respects the USA. They witnessed firsthand our television generals' complete surrender to the Taliban with the loss of 13 great Warriors and the handing over of $85 billion of the best and most expensive Military equipment in the World-China and Russia are already reverse engineering the equipment so they can build it for themselves," Trump said.
"The only thing the Radical Left Democrats, who are destroying our Nation, are good at is rigging Elections and criminal activity, while always blaming the other side through corrupt prosecutors and prosecutions. Our Country is in big trouble-we better get going fast!" he added.
As reported previously, Trump was one among those who first condemned President Joe Biden on his "grossly incompetent" and "most embarrassing" decision to withdraw American military forces in Afghanistan last August 16 after the Taliban took over the said country's government. Trump actually demanded Biden to reclaim the billions worth of military equipment that some of which have recently been reported to being "occupied" by the Chinese Communist Party.
Trump pointed out in an earlier statement that Biden's Administration is too busy persecuting Republicans and rigging elections, being "essentially all they know how to do." He highlighted that while American government is busy sending out "Harassment Subpoenas," the BLM and the Antifa are "tearing apart our Democrat-run cities throughout America" yet do not receive any subpoena at all for the "death and destruction they have caused."
The Gateway Pundit (TGP) called Trump's statement "scary" out of their belief that the former president "really knows what is going on." The outlet reiterated how "really scary" the statement is if one would consider the "terrible shape" China's economy is in right now.
The media outfit disclosed that banks in China "are all facing insolvency issues" and that companies are investing in the local governments of China. The Chinese economy is so bad that local manufacturers are forced to operate only once a week since electricity is being shut off. These factors would most likely push a country to go into war giving weight to China's almost daily threats against Taiwan as theirs.
"If China dropped the COVID virus intentionally, which is possible due to their economic woes, they would also take this time to go to war," The Gateway Pundit stressed.
TGP pointed out that the recent public release of how many nuclear weapons the United States owns would only add on to the weak leadership Trump had claimed the Biden Administration now has for it only makes the country more vulnerable to China's possible plans of waging a war.
"The insanity of an Administration put in place from a stolen election knows no bounds," TGP highlighted.
The United States Department of State released on Tuesday a fact sheet entitled, "Transparency in the United States Nuclear Weapons Stockpile," that intended to update 2017 data on the said "declassified information." The State Department said there are 3,750 nuclear warheads as of September 2020 that represents an 88% decrease in the stockpile "at the end of fiscal year 1967."
The said data also represent an 83% decline in the level of the nuclear stockpile at the time of the Berlin Wall's collapse in 1989. The said reported also presented a comparative annual analysis of the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile beginning 1945 until the report's end date, which is September 30, 2020.