Chip and Joanna Gaines revealed that a secret to their strong marriage is deciding to make it work instead of opting for divorce.
Speaking to Access Hollywood, the couple described themselves as "not quitters," which is reflected in their marriage, family life and career, the Christian Headlines reported. The are celbrating their 18th anniversary and have five kids.
"The one thing that I would say is our superpower is that Jo and I are not quitters. Throwing in the towel is not something that honestly ever even comes to mind. I would say that that happened pretty early in our relationship where we just thought ... that divorce or leaving one another is not really an option for us," Chip said.
He went on to say that their position in marriage has "served [them] well" amidst the challenges they went through, adding that they are just like everyone else who are also imperfect, having their own issues, errors and trials.
"But relationally, we're in it forever. ... This will never be a gossip mag that we don't make it," he continued.
Chip also disclosed that their stance on marriage was evident with the way they handle their job. He said that in the face of "multiple opportunities to quit," giving up is "not in [their] DNA". Looking back, he realized that a person can never lose if the idea of quitting is dismissed.
"Joe and I keep showing up day after day. Sometimes it's right, sometimes it's not. But we keep putting one foot in front of the other," he further stated.
Watch the Gaines' interview with Access Hollywood:
The Gaines have left the "Fixer Upper" program but they will be launching their own television channel, the Magnolia Network, on July 15.
According to Entertainment Weekly (EW), the pair partnered with Discovery for the new streaming service which will be part of Discovery Plus. It will feature a number of shows such as "Homegrown," "Family Dinner," "First Time Fixer," "Restoration Road with Clint Harp," "Super Dad," "Home Work," "Growing Floret," "The Artisan's Kitchen," "Van Go," "Inn the Works" and "Extraordinary Stories Behind Everyday Things."
The Reality Blurred wrote that Magnolia will launch 22 new programs this week, but will release more in the coming days.
In an interview with EW, they shared the story behind the name of their TV station.
Jo said that they were driving around Baylor University during one of their first dates when they saw a magnolia tree in bloom. Chip picked a flower and gave it to her which was the very first flower she got from him.
Chip said that their conversation with David Zazlav, CEO of Discovery, has encouraged them to venture into starting the new channel.
In a statement to The Hollywood Reporter, Zazlav pointed out the impact of the Gaines to the lives of American people.
"TV shows impact the culture, but Chip and Jo impact people's lives. They provide something very rare in America today: a sunshiny hopefulness that you can make things with your own two hands and your life will be better for it," the CEO declared.
The couple admitted that they miss fixing houses all by themselves, without the glares of the camera. Jo said that they are grateful for those moments which led them where they are today.