A report said that President Joe Biden, who has been referred to as a "devout Catholic," delivered a speech that allegedly suggested Americans should stop praying.
The Blaze claimed in its report that Biden suggested "Congress ought to stop praying for after someone commits acts of gun violence." The claim is based on what Biden said in a recent speech.
The Blaze staff Stu Burguiere and Pat Gray, filling in for Glenn Beck, host of the "Glenn Beck Podcast," commented that Biden, being a "man of faith" should not be dismissing prayer since it should be something "of importance" to him.
The two commentators played the clip of Biden's message on gun prevention last April 8 that said, "Enough prayers. Time for some action," and discussed that such a statement should not be the case for one to be a man of faith especially for victims of violence.
"It's very revealing, Pat, to me that a person who claims to be of faith would say that praying isn't doing something, right? 'Prayers? Prayers? We need to do something!' Actually, if you are a person of faith, prayer IS doing something! It's vital to this!" Burguiere pointed out to Gray during their discussion as shown in the video clip.
"You might not agree with that. You might not believe in prayers, you might not believe in God, but if you're talking about a person of faith that all Democrats say they are--listen to Nancy Pelosi, she sounds like a preacher half the time when she's talking about laws," he continued.
"And they say, 'Ah thoughts and prayers! You need to actually do something! Thoughts and prayers are not enough!' Joe Biden took that to a whole new level during his speech and very few people have noticed it. I've never--I don't know that I've ever heard a politician asked of this before," Burguiere passionately added and to which Gray agreed.
Biden remarked on Gun Violence Prevention in the Rose Garden of the White House last week in the presence of Vice President Kamala Harris, Attorney General Merrick Garland, members of Congress, guests, and members of the press in line with his desire to "prioritize gun violence" that he wants to confront, tagging it as "a public health crisis."
In his remarks posted at The White House website, Biden clarified that he does not intend to "impinge on the Second Amendment" rights by focusing his efforts on the issue. He stressed that he is doing so out of his job of being a president "to protect the American people."
"Whether Congress acts or not, I'm going to use all the resources at my disposal as President to keep the American people safe from gun violence. But there's much more that Congress can do to help that effort. And they can do it right now. They've offered plenty of thoughts and prayers--members of Congress--but they've passed not a single new federal law to reduce gun violence. Enough prayers. Time for some action," he stressed.
The president then pointed out the need for Congress to pass some bills "to close loopholes that allow gun purchases" such as one that will impose background checks on purchasers during trade shows and exhibit since there isn't one unlike in a gun shop or licensed stores a gun can be bought.
He highlighted the importance of background checks in the sale of guns and pointed out that the loopholes are what actually cause the continuing problem on gun violence. He cited the "Charleston" loophole that led someone to the death of innocent people in church service that could have been prevented if the three-day duration of background check or "loophole" was actually addressed.
"There's a process. If wasn't done in three days, according to Charleston loophole, you get to buy the gun. They bought the gun and killed a hell of a lot of innocent people who invited him to pray with them," he said.
CNN reported that there were false claims made by the president in his announcement in the Rose Garden and pointed it out one by one, like that of the ease in being able to buy a gun in trade shows without background checks.