On April 5th, Disney will release a new documentary titled "The Pope Answers," featuring a conversation between Pope Francis and members of Generation Z. Directed by Spanish filmmakers Jordi évole and Marius Sanchez, the documentary was filmed in Rome and entirely in Spanish.
It will focus on the Catholic Church's position on contemporary issues such as LGBTQ+ rights, abortion, feminism, and clergy abuse. According to Catholic News Agency, the production company behind the documentary, Producciones del Barrio, is known for its previous documentaries that explore topics such as the impact of Trump's border policies on Hispanic communities and the meaning of life with a late Spanish musician.
The documentary will be exclusively released on Hulu in the U.S. and is expected to generate significant interest as it provides a unique opportunity to hear the Pope's perspective on contemporary issues from the perspective of Generation Z.
'The Pope Answers'
In the article shared in the National Catholic Register, the "The Pope Answers" trailer shows Pope Francis having an informal conversation with a small group of young people. During the conversation, they discuss some of the Church's most controversial positions and society's most difficult problems.
The young people ask the Pope questions such as what a nonbinary person is, whether being feminist conflicts with being a Christian and what the Church should do with women who have had abortions. At the end of the conversation, the Pope thanks the group for what they have taught him.
In a joint statement released on March 15th, directors Jordi évole and Màrius Sanchez described the documentary as a unique opportunity to unite two worlds that don't normally interact - Pope Francis and young adults who may clash with the Church's teachings. This isn't the first time évole has collaborated with the Pope, as some of his most famous statements have been made during interviews with évole.
In a 2019 interview on Salvados, Francis clarified the Church's stance on homosexuality, stating that "tendencies are not sin" but "sin is acting, of thought, word, and deed, with freedom." In a 2020 interview on The évole Thing, the Pope likened the coronavirus to nature, giving humanity a jolt to take better care of the environment.
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Conversation Based on Empathy, Curiosity, Respect, and Mutual Learning
According to a statement in Disney, the meeting between Pope Francis and the ten young adults took place in June 2022 in the Pigneto neighbourhood of Rome. The conversation was intense and dynamic, based on empathy, curiosity, respect, and mutual learning. The Pope spoke openly, resulting in an engaging dialogue with the young adults, many of whom are not actively involved in the Catholic Church.
Sofia Fabregas, Vice President of Production of Disney+ in Spain, emphasized the value of the Pope's honesty and openness in having a dialogue with young adults on the periphery of the Catholic Church. Disney+ is proud to deliver this special documentary to the world.
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