Donald Trump Announces Bid for 2016 Presidential Campaign

Donald Trump

Donald Trump
(Photo : Gage Skidmore/Flickr/CC)
Donald Trump announced he will be running for president on Tuesday.

Donald Trump is at it again.

When thinking of Donald Trump, some might think of his famous catchphrase, "You're fired," from his hit reality television show, "The Apprentice." However, in recent days, Trump has gone from reality television star and real estate mogul, to announcing his candidacy for president of the United States.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am officially running for president of the United States and we are going to make our country great again," Trump declared to his supporters from the iconic Trump Tower in New York City on Tuesday.

This is not the first time Trump had set his eyes on the presidential elections. Just over four years ago, Trump was considered as a possible Republican contender in the 2012 presidential race, but bowed out soon after, announcing, "I have spent the past several months unofficially campaigning and recognize that running for public office cannot be done half-heartedly. Ultimately, however, business is my greatest passion and I am not ready to leave the private sector."

This time though, Trump explained that he has chosen to step aside from managing The Trump Organization, and instead, allow his children, Ivanka, Donald Jr, and Eric to manage his multi-billion dollar empire on his behalf. He added that he has also chosen to leave "The Apprentice," in order to commit to his presidential campaign.

Trump argued that the United States needs a new leader, and challenged the credibility of our current political leaders, asserting, "Politicians are all talk, no action. They do a terrible job; a tremendous disservice to the country." He added, "The American dream is dead. But if I get elected president I will bring it back, bigger, and better, and stronger than ever before."

Trump made several claims, from declaring he would repeal and replace Obamacare, to reinforcing our country's borders by establishing a great wall between Mexico and the United States, to stopping Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.

"Our country needs a truly great leader," said Trump. "And we need a truly great leader now. We need a leader that wrote the art of the deal. We need a leader that can bring back our jobs."

Brandon Cho is a student volunteer writer from the University of California, Santa Cruz.