News that the Swedes have made their vaccine passports permanent in their hands made a Christian author think that this could be the first step in introducing the "mark of the beast."
Christian author Michael Snyder was amazed at how some Swedes are gladly placing microchips that store their vaccination passport information into their hands, and how they are bragging about how handy this is in his piece for the "End of the American Dream," which was re-posted by Charisma News.
A video posted on Twitter by "Sikh for Truth" provided the basis for Snyder's assertions.
"I was absolutely floored when I first watched that. Do they not understand where this could lead?" he asked.
Snyder pointed out that society is gradually being separated into two classes of individuals, and that the class of people who are voluntarily complying is being awarded numerous "privileges" that the other group is being refused.
He noted that many people assume that this is "only a phase" and that things would ultimately return to normal. However, according to him, it is not "just a phase" at all.
"Unfortunately, now they are openly admitting that COVID is going to be with us permanently," Snyder said, citing an RT News report. According to the report, the White House's senior medical advisor, Anthony Fauci, believes COVID is unlikely to be eradicated and that the world will just have to learn to live with it.
Fauci reportedly said during a Sunday interview with CBS's 'Face the Nation' that he did not think COVID-19 would ever be eradicated totally, while also adding that the world had only ever eradicated one pathogen: smallpox.
"We're going to have to start living with COVID. I believe that's the case because I don't think we're going to eradicate it," Fauci reportedly said.
Snyder, on the other hand, said that if Fauci's assertion that citizens would "have to start living with COVID" is true, then the system that is now being built will be shared by both the government and the people. In other words, the vaccination passports, requirements, and injections are not going away any time soon.
He added that Pfizer's CEO has said that "we're going to have an annual revaccination." This indicates that individuals will continue to get jabbed year after year in order to maintain their "privileges."
"How sick is that?" Snyder remarked. "They want to make their authoritarian measures a permanent part of our lives, and this is what our society is going to look like from now on unless we take a stand."
In the United States, several courts are beginning to reject the mandates proposed by the Biden administration. A federal court reportedly stopped Biden's demand for health care employees in ten states, then nationally, and more recently another court banned the same mandate for federal contractors nationally.
Snyder, on the other hand, pointed out that just because they have encountered a legal setback or two does not mean they would give up.
One such country is Germany, where Politico reports that incoming Chancellor Olaf Scholz intends to impose a vaccine mandate on all Germans beginning in February.
"Germany's incoming Chancellor Olaf Scholz is in favor of introducing mandatory coronavirus vaccination for all Germans as early as February," the report said.
The same might be said of Australia, New Zealand, and a slew of other nations that have veered dangerously close to authoritarianism.
As soon as vaccinations become compulsory for everyone, vaccine passports will become a must for everyone who wishes to maintain even the semblance of a "normal life. "Regardless of whether it is on a phone, a card, or even imbedded in the skin, one will need to have it with them at all times.
"These are such dark times, and I have a feeling that they are about to get a whole lot darker," Snyder concluded.