Facebook suspended a Christian professor's account because of his post about Biden's transgender policy.
The social media giant suspended a Christian professor on Jan. 27 for his post about Biden's currently imposed transgender policy. The social media network disabled the professor's Facebook account for 24 hours after deeming his post as inciting violence.
Robert Gagnon, a New Testament theology professor at the Houston Baptist University received a notice from Facebook on Jan. 27, telling him that his words went against the Community Standards on violence and incitement. Facebook later suspended Gagnon from using his account.
The suspension lasted for 24 hours and Facebook allowed Gagnon to access his account again on Jan. 28, Christian Headlines reported.
"I just finished my 24-hour FB suspension (with more and longer suspensions undoubtedly in my future), and my friend, Laurie Higgins of the Illinois Family Institute, is still in FB jail for a 7-day suspension; she for criticizing Biden's imposition of transgender tyranny on the military and I for defending her right to do so," Gagnon wrote on Facebook.
Facebook was referring to Gagnon's post defending his friend Laurie Higgins of the Illinois Family Institute after receiving a suspension from the social media giant. Higgins earlier received a seven-day suspension after voicing out her frustration over Biden's executive order allowing transgender people to enter the military.
On a Facebook comment, Higgins said that due to the executive order, "women who signed up to serve in the Armed Forces will now have to shower and bunk with males." Higgins further described the transgender advocacy as a cult aiming to spread alchemical pseudo-science.
Prior to his suspension, Gagnon posted a Facebook update supporting his friend's statement and saying that trangenderism allows males to invade the shelters and athletics intended for women. He added that the issue gives people an alternative to rejecting basic biology.
The professor strongly refused to acknowledge Facebook's allegations over him and his friend.
"There was absolutely no incitement to violence on our part," Gagnon said. "We abhor violence done to any person," he added. "This is just a thinly veiled and pathetic excuse for censorship of any critical views toward trans-tyranny over our consciences, religion, and reason," the professor ended.
Gagnon explained that in their case, only one point of view is being allowed. "Trump was not the great danger to the Republic. Left-wing canceling is," he ended, according to Christian Post.
Meanwhile, Miriam Ben-Shalom, the first lesbian to ever be reinstated to the U.S. Army after being dismissed from service on the basis of sexuality interprets Biden's policy allowing transgenders to enter the military believes that the order is a "slap in the face" to the agency.
Ben-Shalom expressed her concern about how the executive order may worsen the already existing problems that women in the military are already facing.
"Now, men have had the lack-witted brainlessness to add to the burden of military women," Bem-Shalom said. "And wait until a female to trans wants to serve in the men's barracks. What will the military do when such a woman is raped or assaulted - or killed?" she added.