The documentary film "Show Me The Father" was hailed as the ninth best performing film in theatres on its opening weekend, grossing more than $700,000 and earning an A+ CinemaScore rating from its viewers.
Captured by the Christian Headlines, Affirm Films Executive Vice President Rich Peluso credited the producers for the movie's success.
"Show Me the Father has been moving people in a powerful way. Alex and Stephen Kendrick understand how to connect to the heart of a viewer, and that's one of the reasons they have been so successful," Peluso declared.
Speaking to the media outlet, Stephen said that he heard stories of reconciliation from its viewers after watching the film.
"I want it to be deeply impactful and for people to walk away emotionally full and spiritually blessed," he added.
Alex, on the other hand, emphasized the relevance of a father's words to his children.
"The words that a father speaks over his children are so crucial. Children remember everything you say. That's why the characteristics of love, patience, kindness, goodness and faithfulness that are present in God the Father are so important to impart to your children. My brothers and I are grateful for the impact our father had on our lives and there is no way that we could have told the stories we've told in the manner we did without our father's influence," he said, according to the Movie Insider.
In an interview with The Daily Citizen, Alex shared that he and his brothers came up with the movie just when they were about to complete the filming of "Overcomer." They realized that "Courageous" was having its 10th anniversary and thought of revisiting it. But they later decided to make a documentary that will tackle powerful stories on fatherhood.
He said that the film will try to address the healing for children who have been broken due to fatherlessness or being hurt by their own fathers.
The producer revealed that during the pre-screenings, he saw people crying and laughing. The viewers were also grateful that through the movie, they were able to gain different perspectives of their fathers and of God as the Heavenly Father.
He shared that making a documentary is different than that of a feature film since the latter is scripted while the former's storytelling is driven by the interviews. Being their first time to create such, he never thought that it will move him like the movies they usually make.
But he said that the impact may be attributed to its powerful subject, which is about fathers who often reflect people's interpretation of God in their lives.
Alex expressed his hope that with the film, viewers will see the LORD, not only as their Creator, but also a Father who longs to have an intimate relationship with them and can fill the emptiness they felt as children.
In addition to helping men become "better fathers" through the documentary, the Kendrick Brothers were also hoping that the audiences will discover about God as their "perfect Heavenly Father."