Following the guilty verdict on Derek Chauvin, faith leaders offer words of encouragement, prayers, and few reminders about how to respond as believers.
It's a pivotal moment for America says Charisma News after the conviction of Derek Chauvin appeased many who were angered by the injustice.
Sharing the same sentiment of those who gave their responses on Tuesday, civil rights leader Martin Luther King III said that "this may be the beginning of the restoration of believing that a justice system can work."
Faith leaders also stepped in to toss their two cents on George Floyd's death and Chauvin's trial.
According to Bishop Shelton J. Fabre, chairman of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' Ad Hoc Committee Against Racism, the case "highlighted and amplified the deep need to see the sacredness in all people, but especially those who have been historically oppressed."
"Whatever the stage of human life, it not only matters, it is sacred," he said.
Echoing the same thought, Bishop T.D. Jakes of The Potter's House Church is relieved by the jury's verdict.
"A nation that purports to be a beacon of law, justice and equality is better than what we saw in that video," he said on a Facebook post.
"My prayer is that this will ignite a safer society where justice is equally allocated to absolutely everyone irrespective of socio-economics, race, religion or gender," he continued.
The Bishop also thanked the many officers who do not resort to needless acts of violence and are honestly working toward protecting people every day.
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry of the Episcopal Church prayed for racial reconciliation while urging believers to not be paralyzed by pain, fear, and anger.
"May we learn, as the Bible teaches, to "love not in word and speech but in truth and in action," truth and action that leads to justice and healing," he tweeted.
"O God, you have bound us together in a common life," prayed the Bishop. "Help us, in the midst of our struggles for justice and truth, to confront one another without hatred or bitterness, and to work together with mutual forbearance and respect; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Atlanta Pastor Garland Hunt urged the church to lead by demonstration what oneness and healing look like.
"What's a Christian response in this, and one is prayer," Hunt told CBN News. "Number two, the church must demonstrate racial unity, racial oneness, racial healing. The church leads the way the country will follow."
Evangelist Franklin Graham hopes that all of America & the law enforcement will learn from the tragedy toward becoming a better nation. His prayer is also about unity plus a quote from John 15:12 about loving one another.
"George Floyd's life mattered-every life matters to God," he tweeted.
Noting that there will probably be another George Floyd and another Derek Chauvin, Rev. Samuel Rodriguez commented that the march toward justice is still a long way. Still, he maintained that only love could heal the soul of America.
"The remedy-politically and judicially speaking-is the blind eye of justice guiding our legislators and judges, but the remedy for the soul of America is empathy, understanding and love of one's neighbor whatever the color of their skin," he affirmed.