Female supporters pray on Capitol Hill as Barrett's confirmation hearings kick-off.
Conservative Republican women gathered for a prayer event on Capitol Hill on Monday supporting the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S Supreme Court on the first day of confirmation hearings. A pink bus appeared With the words, 'Women For Amy' promoting the 'Biblical values and Constitutional principles through prayer, education, and advocacy' written on it.
The group of women prayed for the nation, the Supreme Court, and Barrett's family. Christian Post interviewed them where they shared, "We learned from the Kavanaugh nomination that these can be very chaotic hearings and that there is truly spiritual warfare around these nominations."
Amy Coney Barret, a mother of severn and a woman of faith, is being supported in the best way through this prayer movement. ( Who is Nance? This name was not mentioned at all earlier. This is confusing...)
Nance mentioned Barrett was the best option to serve on the Supreme Court who is a brilliant jurist who graduated at the top of her law school class. Believers think Barret would be a great leader who can make a difference in the United States. After Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away, the Supreme Court Justices stated they are all appointed by Democratic presidents and reliably sided with liberals with Court decisions. Christian Post stated Justice Barrett believes in interpreting the right text. "Our biggest problem with the court is that there are members of the Supreme Court who would rather be senators than jurists." Amy Coney Barrett contrasts the difference between law and by emotional feelings.