New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, more known as the socialist Democrat AOC, shared that some members of the Congress feel that there is a need to "rein in" media sources that allegedly proliferated "disinformation and misinformation" that allegedly contributed to the fiasco at the Capitol on Jan. 6.
On Jan. 12, the congresswoman went Live on Instagram where she detailed her discussion with some of her peers in Congress.
"I do think that several members of Congress, in some of my discussions, have brought up media literacy because that is a part of what happened here," she said.
"And, we are going to have to figure out how we rein in our media environment so that you cannot just spew disinformation and misinformation. It is one thing to have differing opinions, but it is another thing entirely to just say things that are false. And so, that is something we are looking into,"she continued.
It's important to note that AOC said the commission they plan on creating for the task of reining in media "seems to be more investigatory in style rather than in truth and reconciliation."
Rep. Ocasio-Cortez did not give concrete examples of what they deemed as "disinformation and misinformation" by the media which could be conveniently used as an excuse to pin on them some of the blame as they did to President Donald Trump.
On the flip side of the issue, while mainstream media like CNN and The New York Times weaved their narratives on making President Trump as the main culprit to the Jan. 6 mayhem, using his White House speech as the trigger, neutral sites like the fact-checker Snopes states that the President "did not explicitly tell people to 'storm' or 'breach' or 'break into' the Capitol.
Democrat law professor Jonathan Turley, from The George Washington University Law School, himself said the President "never actually called for violence or a riot."
Trump himself actually told his supporters to "peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." Evidence reveals, however, that leftists from antifa, BLM and other such groups blended in with the President's supporters and are believed to have caused or incited the chaos at the Capitol.
An Example of Media Bias
LifeSite News did an analysis on the time discrepancies between the President's speech and the riot as reported by the mainstream media. Read their analysis below.
"The timeline of the day reveals that Trump concluded his speech at about 1:11 PM with the words:
'We're going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue... and we're going to the Capitol and we're going to try and give... our Republicans, the weak ones... the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.'
It's about 1.6 miles (a 45 minute walk with the crowd size) from the Ellipse to the Capitol building. The crowd that listened to Trump's speech would not have begun arriving at the Capitol building until after 2 PM. But mainstream media, such as the BBC, reported that 'chanting crowds start to gather on both sides of the [Capitol] building at around 13:10, grappling with police at the metal barricades.'"
This shows that the chaotic demonstration has commenced 45 minutes ahead of the estimated time for the marching Trump supporters to arrive at the Capitol. Other reports corroborate this fact.
Life Site went on to conclude that given the timeline, those who first clash with the police and wrought havoc at the Capitol were not real Trump supporters.
Video footage that captured some of the demonstrators' faces revealed that there were "left-wing activists" who were the real instigators of violence and disorder. To be fair, other genuine supporters of the President may have also fallen to the ploy and being the patriotic people that they are, joined in the breach.