A freedom activist based in Victoria described Australia's COVID-19 tyranny as a "complete apartheid" in an interview held after her release from imprisonment.
LifeSite News said freedom activist Monica Smit was imprisoned for three weeks because she fought the lockdowns imposed by the government. Smit disclosed that the government of Australia has been abusing human rights and freedoms because of the increasing COVID-19 mandates it has imposed.
An independent journalist prior to the pandemic, Smit particularly highlighted the events happening in the state of Victoria, which is located southeast of Australia, and called it the world's most locked down state. Victoria recently ended its "harsh lockdown," but Smit said she could not avoid noticing it was but "a false sense of freedom."
"There's a complete apartheid at the moment. People are forced to show their papers to access gyms, cafes, and even to attend religious services. Those who refuse the COVID shot can only go grocery shopping or to real estate viewings," Smit told LifeSite News' John-Henry Westen.
"Religious exemptions don't exist here in Australia because we do not have a Bill of Rights," she revealed.
Smit elaborated that the Australian laws imposed for the pandemic are so broad that it enabled Premier Daniel Andrews to imprison people. The government is planning to make the said laws, which are to end this December, permanent through legislation.
"Anyone can be detained for up to two years based on their characteristics, attributes and circumstances," Smit disclosed.
"[Premier Andrews] could literally do whatever he wants based on this bill," she added.
Smit noted that the laws are so broad that they can allow the Australian premier to "imprison anyone based on their actions." Furthermore, the legislation will also give the premier the power to declare a pandemic "based on his own advice," even if there's no real health emergency that merits such a designation.
The freedom activist, however, believes that all hope is not lost as these extreme mandates have caused hundreds of thousands of people, regardless of beliefs, to stand together and protest in different places in Australia.
Such protests, Smit said, "have caused a lot of chaos within the parliament," to the point that the tyrannical government's narrative has changed: the protesters, which they previously called "anti-vaxxers," have now been labeled "terrorists."
Smit made an appeal entitled, "S.O.S. From Australia," because of these extreme mandates. The appeal urges every person in the world to condemn the tyranny happening in Australia in line with the COVID mandates by sending a protest in their country's Australian embassy this coming December 4 at noon so that freedom may be restored.
Prior to making the appeal, Smit founded Reignite Democracy Australia where she acts as its Managing Director in response to the government's tyrannical COVID-19 mandates.
Reignite Democracy Australia particularly aims to take "the country back" by asking people to subscribe for location-specific information that will help "empower" them "by giving them a voice." They also highlight news around the world on COVID-19 mandates and issues. The organization claims it has already a subscriber base of 94,269 in only 14 months.