Are You a Functional Atheist? Difference Between Atheism and Agnosticism


The term "functional atheist" has been used to describe people who are not religious, but still believe in a higher power or some form of supernatural phenomenon. This is different than being an agnostic because an agnostic questions the existence of God, whereas a functional atheist believes there is no evidence that proves or disproves God's existence.

Atheism is a term that does not adequately describe the nuanced world of non-theists. If you're interested in learning more about different types of atheists and how to tell them apart, this article can help. It also discusses the different ways people define themselves as atheist or agnostic, which will come up again later on when we talk about agnostic atheists (or "fuzzy" atheists). 

Definition of a functional atheist

A functional atheist is someone who does not believe in gods, but does not identify as an atheist because they feel that the term "atheist" has negative connotations and makes them sound like they hate religion. While many atheists do indeed feel this way, it's important to remember that atheism is simply the lack of belief in gods - it isn't inherently connected to any other beliefs or attitudes. This means that there are many different types of 'atheists,' including agnostics (people who don't think we have enough evidence to know whether or not God exists), deists (those who believe in a creator but don't think they're personally involved with their creation), pantheists (those who believe everything is part of God) and more. In short: anyone can be an atheist if they want!

Signs you're a functional atheist

  • Do you believe in God? If the answer is no, you might be a functional atheist.
  • Do you believe in the supernatural? If your answer is no, then that's another sign of being a functional atheist.

  • Do you believe in an afterlife? If so, I can understand why that might be. The idea of an afterlife is comforting and reassuring-but it's also something that cannot be proven and science has yet to show any evidence for it existing (or not).

  • Do you believe in the soul? This one may have more gray area than some other areas of our lives because there are many different definitions of what constitutes a soul within religious traditions across history. However, most definitions tend to involve something separate from our physical bodies which ties into what we know about neuroscience today-and my guess is this isn't going anywhere unless something drastically changes between now and when I die!

Atheism is not the same thing as agnosticism

One of the most common misconceptions about atheism is that it's essentially the same thing as agnosticism. Agnostics don't have beliefs about God, but they also don't believe in Him. Atheists don't believe in God at all.

It can be easy to confuse atheism with agnosticism because many atheists are also agnostic: they might say, "I don't know if God exists" or "There's no way for me to know whether or not God exists." But an atheist has made a decision about belief-they have decided that there is no god-while an agnostic hasn't made any decision about the matter.

There are different types of atheism

You may have heard the term "agnostic atheist" or "weak atheist" to describe people who don't believe in gods but aren't sure if they exist. They're actually two different things:

Agnosticism is a lack of belief in a god or gods. An agnostic doesn't claim to know whether there's a god, but he does believe that it's possible there might be one.

Atheism is the absence of belief in any gods or supernatural beings-it doesn't require knowledge about whether those things exist or not.

The epistemological nature of theism and atheism

The word "atheism" doesn't tell us much about what kind of person you are. It doesn't imply anything about your moral beliefs or political views (like whether you're liberal or conservative).

Atheism isn't even necessarily tied with nihilism-the idea that life has no value at all-or pantheism-the idea that everything is God. If everything exists within God then there's no need for an external deity who created them! And finally, although some religions may be polytheistic (meaning they worship more than one god), this does not mean that being an atheist means automatically worshipping only one thing.