Sean Feucht, who publicly called out HarperCollins and accused the 33 year old publishing company of "canceling" his book deal over his "political views," has announced that he landed a new book deal with a different publishing house. The Christian singer expressed how "excited" he about his new book deal.
"God is bigger than cancel culture," Feucht told the Christian Post (CP) on Wednesday. "I am excited to announce that I have signed a new deal with Regnery that includes better terms than my agreement with Harper Collins."
According to its website, Regnery Publishing describes itself as "America's leading publisher of conservative books for over 70 years." The publishing house was founded in 1947 and moved from Chicago to Washington, D.C. in the 1980s to expand. The publishing house calls itself a "major force within the conservative movement."
Last week, Feucht took to Twitter to lament that HarperCollins, one of the country's largest book publishers, called him to say that they were "canceling" his book deal "because of [his] political views." He insisted that he "signed an agreement" with HarperCollins after three months of collaborating with the publishing house for the book. However, the company pulled out. A HarperCollins Christian Publishing spokesperson told CP, however, that they never signed any contracts.
But as the saying goes, when one door closes, another one opens. This is the case for Feucht, who took to Instagram with a couple of video posts celebrating a new and better deal. In one video, he said that he was "signing his biggest book deal ever!"
"The pushback I received over the book last week from cancel culture only validates how needed this message is in our culture today," Feucht remarked. "I cannot wait for the message of 'BOLD' to be released to the world!"
In 2020, Feucht ran for U.S. Congress as a Republican in California's 3rd Congressional District. He came in third place. Since his dabbling in politics, the Christian singer also got involved in several Christian revival gatherings that defied COVID restrictions across the U.S. These large revivals earned him national media attention. Now, his book titled, "Bold: Moving Forward in Faith Not Fear" will chronicle his journey through it all.
Feucht questioned why there was "much resistance" to his message of being bold and courageous. He wanted to share "how the Lord forged this thing in us through many different layers of resistance." This is why he found it ironic that HarperCollins would deny publishing a book about "boldness and courage."
Feucht added that he wanted to "dedicate this moment to HarperCollins." He said that he is not "trolling" the publishing house but instead is thanking them for "their resistance to cancel this book" because it pushed him to have a "renewed fire" to have the book published.
"I think sometimes the resistance we face only proves that what we are carrying is really valuable," Feucht remarked.