Greg Laurie reminds people to stop ignoring the pandemic as he shares his experience with testing 'positive' for coronavirus.
Greg Laurie spoke throughout the media that his experience 'wasn't as bad.' He recovered from COVID-19 symptoms quickly as he thanked the supporters who kept him in their prayers. Harvest Christian Fellowship Church is now expecting for Greg Laurie's return to his pulpit on Sunday. "The fact of the matter is, my symptoms were never that bad. Thank God for that/ I know it isn't that way for everyone and I attribute that to so many people praying. Let's remember to continue to pray for all of those infected with the coronavirus that they have a quick and complete recovery. It is my hope to be back in the pulpit next Sunday."
Greg Laurie also attended Franklin Graham's prayer rally in Washington D.C the same weekend as he attended the White House Celebration. He warned individuals who are currently unaffected by the coronavirus to follow along with the safety guidelines and always wear facial coverings.
"You may not get sick at all from this, but you may spread it to someone who then dies, or spreads it to someone else who dies. That is why we all have to recognize that we're in this together. There is only one enemy, and that is the virus."