One America News Network pushes for voting machines to be audited as the means for President Joseph Biden, Jr., the Democrats, and Dominion Voting Machines to finally put accusations of voter fraud to rest.
"What should have been a clear-cut presidential winner has dragged on as mountains of evidence of voting fraud continue piling up while being ignored by the establishments in the media and Washington. Well, there's a real simple solution for that. Americans say their votes were tampered with and that the voting machines were compromised, so why don't we put that to rest once nd for all. Let us examine the voting machines," One America's Pearson Sharp pointed out in their report on Thursday, February 25.
"If there's nothing to hide, if there's no election fraud, if all the massive and mysterious voting dumps that came in for Biden hours after the polls have closed really were for Biden, then let the machines be examined," he stressed. "What possible reason could there be to prevent a forensic audit of these voting machines?"
Pearson said Democrats "scream and shout, 'This is the most transparent elections'" yet do not wish an audit to be undertaken. He said that elections should be "free and fair." He also cited Michigan has removed 177,000 falsely-registered voters in January after certifying that Biden won in their elections by 154,000 votes. He raised that it "essentially means the number of people is removing from their records is higher by the number of people Biden won by."
He pointed out that there was "a sudden and massive drop" of 149,772 votes that came in at 630am after the election, of which 96% were for Biden. In addition to the incident in Michigan, Sharp also revealed that in New Hampshire Officials in Windham found that voting machines owned by Dominion shorted every Republican on the ballot by 300 votes, which means that each of their four candidates was down by 6% of votes, yet the same machines are used in 84% of the towns in the entire state of New Hampshire.
"We here at One America News like to suggest that all of these can be resolved simply by letting a team of forensic analysts examine the voting machines," he added. "Instead of suing anyone and everyone and question the results, give America the chance to know for certain that we had a free and fair elections."
"If there's nothing to hide, then stop hiding," he ended.
Last February 5, the U.S. Supreme Court have decided to finally give attention to the high-profile 2020 election lawsuits filed by former President Donald Trump's campaign and other individuals during its annual conference. Part of the lawsuits include issues with machine vote tabulation.
There were five cases to be heard during the said US Supreme Court Conference set on February 19: Case No. 20-815 Timothy King, et. al v. Gretchen Whitmer, Governor of Michigan, Et. Al from the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit; Case No. 200-845 Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. v. Veronica Degraffenreid, Acting Secretary of Pennsylvania, etl. al. from the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Middle District; Case No. 20-882 Donald J. Trump, Et. Al. v. Joseph R. Biden, et al from the Supreme Court of Wisconsin; Case No. 20-810 Mike Kelly, United States Congressmen, et. al. v. Pennsylvania, Et. Al. from the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Middle District; Case No. 20-815 Timothy King, et. al v. Gretchen Whitmer, Goveror of Michigan et. al. from the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. All cases were denied by the US Supreme Court.