Paul Dyal, the former pastor of Jacksonville Assembly of the Body of Christ, is now in hot water with two other men for allegedly engaging in a sexual relationship and abusing minor-age women.
Details of the Arrests
In a report published by the News4JAX website, Dyal and two co-accused are set to face a judge this August on the capital sexual battery charges filed against them.
The report bared that police arrested the disgraced former pastor in the March 2022 coordinated raid on Jacksonville Assembly of the Body of Christ.
Elements of the Jacksonville Police Department served warrants of arrest in two Oklahoma locations to Vernon Williamson and Jerome Teschendorf while their colleagues arrested Dyal.
The article said Jacksonville PD officers arrested Williamson and Teschendrof in Ardmore and Newalla.
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Teschendorf's Arrest Report
The report bared some details of Teschendorf's arrest report, which included his statement about having 'a sickness that he could not stop.'
Teschendorf allegedly abused a complainant by engaging in sexual activity with her in many instances over several years.
The report said that the woman disclosed the sexual abuse to Dyal, who told her their family would be devoid of food and welfare should Teschendorf get arrested and jailed.
Dyal's threats to the woman made her decide "she did not want anything done," according to the same report.
The article added that Teschendorf allegedly threatened the woman with physical harm if she refused to do sexual acts for him.
Teschendorf also allegedly told the woman he would sexually assault her as punishment if she said no to his requests for her to take care of his domestic needs.
Suspects' Court Hearings
The court handling the three suspects' cases has announced the men's court hearings schedules.
The article said that Dyal's court date is on Monday.
Based on a study, the former pastor's lawyer has asked the court to grant Dyal temporary jail release because of aging's effects on federal offenders' recidivism.
The National Institute of Justice defines recidivism as "a person's relapse into criminal behavior."
The agency said that recidivism occurs mainly due to the offender undergoing intervention for a past crime or getting sanctioned by the court.
Meanwhile, Teschendorf is set to appear before a judge on Wednesday.
State attorneys have expressed their desire to keep the suspect locked up before his scheduled court appearance.
The attorneys explained that such a measure is needed given Teschendorf's capital sexual battery charges.
They also cited the suspect's ability to skip Florida and his apparent confession of his crime to investigators handling his case.
The last of the three accused, Williamson, will appear for his court hearing on Aug. 30.
Williamson faces five counts of sexual battery stemming from the testimonies of three of his alleged victims.
One of his victims alleged that Williamson first molested him on several occasions before the latter raped her.
'Like A Cult'
Based on a separate news report by First Coast News, some of the three suspects' victims said they experienced physical and sexual abuse and public humiliation when they were just young women in the Jacksonville Christian church.
One survivor lamented how the church functioned like a cult since they were "groomed" for sex and were constantly abused.
The survivor added that the church officials prohibited the young girls from contacting the outside world since people there were "evils."
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