South African singer-songwriter, pastor, and a respected prophetic voice, Kim Clement had mentioned Joe Biden in a 2013 prophecy for a period in history that the prophet himself had not reached to witness with his own eyes when the Lord called him home in 2016.
Despite the vast web of deceit and misinformation, God's truth rules supreme. While majority of Americans are rapidly slipping into worry by the Biden administration's mismanagement of the state's affairs, God has already decided the end of wicked propaganda.
With that stated, Kim Clement's prophecy was highlighted during Fireside Chat with Attorney Lin Wood and hosted by Clay Clark.
Clement's prophecy is as follows:
"Something that is in the heavenlies, something that is all over this nation right now has to be pulled down," said Clement. "And it cannot be pulled down by Joe Biden. It cannot be pulled down by, by the President of the United States. It cannot be pulled down by politicians. It can only be pulled down by the spiritual leaders that have set their heart towards the Kingdom, not towards failure, but towards the kingdom and said, 'Now we will pray, and whether the spiritual stronghold has opened over our nation, it will come to an end.'"
Clement, along with many other prophetic voices in the United States and abroad, has prophesied that President Donald Trump would win the election not once, but twice.
Because the election was rigged, evangelicals understandably raised a ruckus to the point of setting a prophetic standard. The group that initiated the standard did so in good faith, believing that Christians with prophetic gifts may have misheard God. Some high-profile ministers buckled under the strain and chose to come clean. Those seasoned in the prophetic ministry, however, did not withdraw their prophecies of Trump's re-election.
One specific prophetic pastor, Bert Farias of Holy Fire Ministries, posed this question at that time:
"What will happen if Trump is suddenly reinstalled, or Biden is removed? Will there be any accountability from this new group?"
H. R. 6666
H. R. 6666, presented in the House on May 1, 2020, allows the Secretary of Health and Human Services to provide grant funding to entities engaged in performing COVID-19 diagnostic procedures and associated activities such as contact tracing through care facilities and at people's homes.
This bill was also called the "COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act".
This was in preparation for Biden to soon be advocating, not only draconian COVID measures, but also for broad vaccination mandates -- forcing 100 million Americans to take what Clark called the mRNA altering "nanotechnology luciferase graphene oxide" loaded COVID-19 vaccines.
By February 1, 2021, the 117th Congress has proposed H.R.666, popularly known as the "Anti-Racism in Public Health Act of 2021."
This bill creates a National Center on Antiracism and Health and a "law enforcement violence prevention program" inside the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Among other responsibilities, the new center will declare "racism" a public health emergency, collect and evaluate data, and manage research and funding programs addressing racism's effect on health and well-being.
The bill also authorizes the CDC's National Center for Injury Prevention and Control to undertake research on law enforcement violence and public health in partnership with the Department of Justice and other various agencies.
The unseen battle in America
Back to Clement's prophecy, he spoke about witnessing a Python-like spirit in a vision. He claimed that the "Prince of Persia" and "Prince of Greece" -government spirits or those hanging to ambitious politicians- are plotting for the destruction of America by wearying them down.
Andrew Torba, GAB CEO, echoed this in his remark on his blog in August that all the shape-shifting narratives about the virus and the shots were intended to tire people.
"They want us shell shocked with rapidly changing information overload which leads to option paralysis and fear," Torba said at the time adding that "when people are in a state of fear coupled with option paralysis, they are very susceptible to manipulation and easy to control."
Clement, on the other hand, spoke of seeing the spirit of Jezebel (representing iron-fisted tyranny) at the White House, again in the context of a glimpse into the future.
His precise words were, "What does that mean for us? Control. Control. Control."
The spirit, he argued, would desire its deity to be elevated to a position of equal importance with the actual God. It has made up its mind to remain and control the United States.
"The reason that God is raising up prophets all over the world, is because this spirit is so prevalent. This spirit is endeavoring to raise the names of religions and gods and make them equal with Christ, then it will get worse," he said.
He also claimed hearing about demonic forces' intention to change the "name of America" and "name of Israel" while he was still in Detroit. While the fulfillment of Clement's prophecies has undoubtedly materialized, the significance of the renaming of two of the world's most powerful nations remains to be seen.
While Clement's prophecy contains a great deal of doom and gloom, he said that something good would come of it. He termed that as "soul connection" in Jesus' church. That is important to note, as Clark stated during his discussion with attorney Wood, that there's an awakening brewing throughout the United States, with more Christians like Sean Feucht rising forward to lead the country into freedom.