Staunch pro-life personality Lila Rose revealed in a guesting on Sunday that Big Tech is working with abortionists to silence pro-life voices.
Breitbart reported that Rose cited two donations made by Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg to Planned Parenthood of $1 million each in 2017 and in 2019.
"[Sheryl Sandberg] has donated $2 million publicly so far to Planned Parenthood, the biggest abortion chain," she stated. "Big Tech is notoriously ruled by far-left ideologues, so it's a huge problem when we talk about the fair and open sharing of information, that these groups are basically colluding with the abortion industry to shut down pro-life voices," Rose told SiriusXM's Breitbart News Sunday Host Joel Pollak.
According to Breitbart, Facebook suppressed Live Action in 2019 for allegedly spreading "fake news" based on one of their "independent fact-checker" since the pro-life site posted "abortion is never medically necessary." Facebook also notified the followers of Live Action that the organization is spreading "false" information.
Rose, in response, said two of Facebook's "fact checkers" are actually "abortionists."
"We had two facts checkers that were two abortionists--practicing abortionists--occasionally troll our Twitter accounts online. They're very active online on social media, and they were hired to be the fact checkers. They volunteered to be the fact checkers of Live Action, and it was so ironic, because we were saying abortion is not medically necessary--which isn't our opinion, it's literally the position of thousands of medical professionals and OBGYNs--and these two abortionists took umbrage with that, and what does Facebook do? Facebook penalizes our account and says that Live Action was sharing medical misinformation, because two abortionists said so," Rose said.
Rose said the "corruption runs deep" in so far as the culture against life is concerned because there are now people in the federal government who are on that side of the fence. She said she is "very concerned" with President Joe Biden "and his political cronies" since they will "try to silence dissent," especially those that are for "the pro-life movement."
In addition, the "Fighting For Life: Becoming A Force For Change In A Wounded World" author pointed out that Biden and his dministration are stacked with people who go "after their political opponents" and who do "favors" for those who take their side.
She cited Vice President Kamala Harris and Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra as those among the Democrats who have "received political funding from Planned Parenthood" and as such will do their best to push the said organization's agenda against life in all levels of government and across the country.
Breitbart noted that according to Rose, Harris and Becerra were "involved in trying to get pregnancy centers in California to post abortion notices to their wall." She also said Becerra forced the Little Sisters of the Poor "to provide contraceptives" through a lawsuit.
Previously, Rose said in an interview with CBN News that she was hopeful legalized abortion would soon be a thing of the past because many instances show the preborn children's personhood are being established in the country.