Arguably the biggest rally and march protesting the practice and legality of abortion, March for Life in Washington D.C. has revealed the theme for the upcoming gathering in 2022: "equality begins in the womb." March for Life Education and Defense Fund President Jeanne Mancini revealed the theme for the 49th annual march during an event at The Heritage Foundation headquarters in Washington, D.C., which was also live-streamed on Facebook.
"While nearly everyone seems to agree that the topic of equality is important, there's little agreement on what the definition of equality is, and who it applies to, and how that should be applied to important policy questions," Mancini said, as reported by the Christian Post. "We want to expand this debate, this rigorous debate, about equality to include unborn children who are often overlooked because they cannot speak for themselves."
Mancini highlighted the importance of American culture "recognizing the inherent dignity of every human life" because with it falls away aspects such as race, disability status, and economic background. Instead, the fact that "each of us is a human being" is at the center of it all. She argued, "Life is precious, and that because it has this inherent human dignity, that it should be protected from the moment of conception."
The March for Life Education and Defense Fund President added that the theme was established around the recent national dialogues about equality in America today, saying that while the word is "invoked often," it is "rarely defined." Mancini remarked that everyone is in agreement that equality is important, but the nation has failed to come to an agreement on what equality truly means and who it applies to.
Aside from Mancini, Wednesday's pro-life event also featured Heritage Foundation President Kay Cole James, who is stepping down from his position in a few weeks and provided an opening speech on how much she prioritizes the pro-life cause. Other pro-life activists at the evene were Carrie Campbell Severino of the Judicial Network, Ryan Bomberger of The Radiance Foundation, and Dr. Grazie Pozo Christie of The Catholic Association, who gave remarks at the gathering.
According to the National Catholic Register, the 49th annual March for life will take place on Friday, January 21, 2022 in Washington, D.C. It is expected to be a big and even more meaningful event as the Supreme Court will be set to hear arguments on a Mississippi abortion case that may finally overturn Roe v. Wade just seven weeks before the event.
Mancini hoped that this year's March for Life theme of "Equality Begins in the Womb" will "allow not only for hearts and minds to be changed" and pave the way for a a "robust debate" because the legality of abortion in the U.S. is "not settled law." In fact, many states across America are implementing stricter abortion laws to uphold pro-life values, including Texas.
The Lone Star state's heartbeat bill, which bans abortion as early as six weeks, has been challenged by Texas abortion providers and the Department of Justice, two challenges which arguments will be heard by the Supreme Court on Monday, the New York Times reported.