March To Victory

March for Life 2014
March for Life 2014 |

March for Life 2014
March for Life 2014

The Center for Disease Control has officially announced that abortion rates in the U.S. have actually reduced throughout the past 20 years. In the case of married women, the abortion rate has dropped from 10.6% in 1990 to 6.1% in 2006. The numbers are even more extreme for unmarried women. Abortion rates for single women have dropped by almost 20%.

For the past 40 years, activists have marched and demonstrated against Abortion in their "March for Life". Politicians including Republican Senator Eric Canto and Democrat Roger Freeman, and members of the women's rights organization, "Concerned Women for America" also participated in the "March for Life" for the lives that were lost after the legalization of abortion.

The march resulted in conservative state governments strengthening regulations against abortion, and even the overall drop in birth rates also played a role in bringing down abortion rates in America.