Mark Driscoll, pastor of Mars Hill Church and a former member of the Acts 29 church-planting network, has publicly announced that he will take a break of a minimum of six weeks for "processing, healing, and growth ["¦] while the leadership assigned by our bylaws conduct a thorough examination of accusations against me," wrote Driscoll in an open letter that he read to his Mars Hill congregation on Sunday.
"I believe their review can best be performed without me being in pulpit or the office, and they have agreed to this arrangement," he added.
Driscoll has been recently receiving much publicity and facing accusations for plagiarism in his writing, "divisive" and "abusive" behavior towards staff members, and misuse of church funds. He also had recently been removed from the Acts 29 network, a group that he himself founded, on account of "ungodly" behavior toward other board members. As a result of the "storm" of controversies surrounding him, the Mars Hill church Bylaws have felt the need to address accusations against him.
"I invite this process, rather than debating accusations and issues in social media or the court of public opinion," he said.
Driscoll also apologized numerous times to the congregation.
"A central theme in my personal walk with Jesus in recent times has been to follow the Apostle Paul's charge to Believers in Romans 12:8: If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all men," said Driscoll. "God is not honored by conflict, strife, disunity, arguing, slander, gossip, or anything else not consistent with the fruit of the Spirit, and I am deeply sorry for the times I have not done my part to living peaceably with all men."
"I want to say to our Mars Hill family"”past and present, I'm very sorry. I'm sorry for the times I have been angry, short, or insensitive. I'm sorry for anything I've done to distract from our mission by inviting criticism, controversy or negative media attention."
Driscoll thanked those who directly confronted any elders or pastors rather than "in a court of opinion and public media." He added that "God is honored by this approach"”the approach he prescribed for us in Matthew 18 and other Scriptures."
He said that he will not be speaking in any outside events for "the foreseeable future," and that he also will be postponing the publication of his book. He also said that he started meeting with a "professional team of mature Christians who provide wise counsel to help further [his] personal development and maturity before God and men."
Ultimately, he made Christ and the gospel the central focus of himself and his letter.
"The gospel is powerfully at work in me, your pastor, thanks to the faithfulness of our Senior Pastor Jesus Christ, and the best thing for us each to do is look to Him and point others to Him."