To share the amazing works of God even amidst pandemic and encourage people to keep trusting in Him, a missionary organization launched a blog that features inspiring stories, each conveying the goodness of the Lord in people's lives around the world.
Captured by The Christian Post, the e3 Partners started "Field Stories of Hope" blog, presenting weekly accounts of how God is moving in places being reached out by the ministry.
The first story tells about Rohit, a Christian migrant worker in South Asia who shared the Gospel during his 700-mile journey home. He decided to return to his village when the lockdown was announced on the onset of pandemic. With the scarcity of public transportation, he went on foot and only hitched rides when available, sharing the Word of God along the way.
When Rohit finally reached home, he also shared the Good News to his friends and family, equipping them to disciple others. With this, he was able to plant 10 house churches and continues in his passion to share the message of hope.
The second story was about the three missionary families from Oklahoma who were forced to return to United States when the pandemic hit. They were saddened for leaving their ministries in Asia but saw how God continued to work even through the challenges.
They remained in contact with their national partners and were able to support the mission in prayer through the use of technology. One of these partners even planted more churches during the pandemic than he did for the last two years. In addition, the missionary families were able to start a number of online Bible studies and are currently working to start a new house church in the state.
Another story detailed about one of the ministry's partners, Carlos, who was stranded in Venezuela and shared God's love through his "Bread of Life Ministry." Searching for a way to spread the Gospel, he and a hundred other leaders in the region delivered breads to homes, which opened opportunities for them to share the Good News. With their ministry, they were able to evangelize to more than 800 unreached homes in 29 locations across the country, leading them to start new home groups.
The blog also presented the account of e3 Partners's food distribution in South Asia. Upon the government's lockdown announcement during the start of pandemic, affecting communities of impoverished people with little resources, the ministry's national partners worked with volunteers from local churches to give more than 4,000 hot meals and 300 grocery kits for 17 days. The packages were enough to feed poor families for more than two weeks. The project enabled them to minister to 1,500 individuals, 600 of them surrendered their lives to Christ.
The website also featured the conversion of an idol worshiper. A priest of a pagan religion for many years, Arwind heard the Gospel and got baptized last year. With his new found faith, he is now leading others to Christ and baptizing them too.
The ministry also shared the story of Dahlia's persecution in South Asia. Caught studying the Bible, she was beaten by some people in her village and even lost consciousness during the incident. The villagers also took her Bible and destroyed it. The woman survived the attack, got her new Bible and continues to study the Word of God.
To protect the identities of the people in the stories, the blog used pseudonyms.
The stories only showed that God is at work even in worst circumstances.
According to its website, e3 Partners's mission is to equip the people of God "to evangelize His world by establishing healthy, multiplying, transformative churches everywhere."